Welcome Pages

30 April 2013

Vocation and the False Kingdom: Worldliness Masquerading as Piety

If success is our goal and success is defined by the culture I contend we have a real problem. Either we are faithful to the Pilgrim ethic of the New Testament or we abandon it in order to succeed in the world.

27 April 2013

Vocation and the Prosperity Gospel

Whatsoever we do is to be done to the glory of God. We are to work as unto God and not as unto men. These Biblical teachings are well known and receive special emphasis today as the Church seeks to wage the culture war. To build a successful and thus powerful culture or civilization it requires a deliberate work ethic.

25 April 2013

Some thoughts on news coverage, the state of knowledge and media within the Christian Church, and the future of this website

We live in a world of media chaos. We are assaulted by more information than we can possibly take in, assimilate or interpret. I am almost filled with despair when I interact with Christians or when I look at Christian media or the 'conservative' alternatives Christians look to for information.

24 April 2013

Neo-Byzantinism: Russia and the New/Old Paradigm Wars

Russia’s actions have to be understood in light of history. Americans have often made the mistake of assuming that the world really and truly changed after 1945 and that the events of 1991 set the changes in stone. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Baker’s Banner of Truth Commentary- A Corruption of the Kingdom (Part 1 of 2)

Some readers will not be familiar with the Banner of Truth. This publishing house was founded in 1957 by Iain Murray and others and played a key role in republishing old Puritan and Reformed works. By the dawn of the 20th century these old works were hard to find and one had to comb through old dusty bookshops in hope of locating them. Today these writings are once more widespread and undoubtedly ‘The Banner’ played no small role in the revival of Reformed Christianity in the latter part of the 20th century.

06 April 2013

Worldwide Persecution, Sacralism and the Colson/Metaxas Pseudo-Zion

It’s been awhile since I’ve bothered with an interaction/critique but I heard this today on BreakPoint and I felt compelled to write something. In terms of Biblical doctrine and how it plays out in the world and history, BreakPoint in many ways represents the antithesis of everything I stand for. It’s ‘ministries’ like this more than anything else that compel me to speak out and do what I can. I realize at best I will only reach a handful of people while their audience is in the millions. But I believe they represent not only a dangerous error but also their commentaries represent the kind of foolish misinformed and twisted perspective the American (and increasingly worldwide) ‘church’ is so eager to embrace.