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29 December 2021

The Fragmentation of the Social Order


I occasionally glance at syndicated editorials. Pitts is sometimes interesting and thoughtful and other times less so. This one struck me because it's something I've been talking about for years. Pitts barely scratches the surface but it was still refreshing to read. At least someone is thinking about these issues.

24 December 2021

Christmas 2021: AOC Shames the Evangelicals


What a sad moment. Ocasio-Cortez the much vilified Democratic representative from New York and member of the hated 'Squad' has spoken truth – and a truth that puts Evangelicals to shame.

Scott Morrison, Dominionism, and Evangelical Politics in Australia (I)



The Crikey series is worthy of consideration and yet typical of such journalism it offers a secular assessment that deals with issues that at times the authors and editors clearly don't understand. Given that the name of the publication is tantamount to blasphemy, one must expect a degree of hostility to the Christian faith. But it shouldn't scare us or cause to dismiss the reporting out of hand.

Kovalik on the American Empire and its March to War (Part I)


This was a good and insightful interview with much to consider. Kovalik's 'The Plot to Scapegoat Russia' caught my eye a few years ago. Kovalik is one of the few voices on the Left that's critical of the Democratic Party and its increasingly hysterical Anti-Russia campaign. This conversation is wide-ranging and touches on several important issues, ones critical to understand if we're to navigate the present situation and filter the many voices that seek to dominate our thinking.

04 December 2021

New Calvinism, Evangelicalism, and Trump Era Schisms (Part II)

The recent World Magazine rift seems to be also rooted in a Trumpian schism. Marvin Olasky, a right-wing figure who was loosely associated with the George W Bush presidency is enough of a principled intellectual and in possession of enough historical sense to realize he could not endorse Trump for president in 2016.

New Calvinism, Evangelicalism, and Trump Era Schisms (Part I)

One of the flagship conferences of New Calvinism, Together for the Gospel (T4G) will end in 2022. The official reasons have convinced no one. Everyone more or less knows the group's founders have become irreconcilably divided. This is but part of a larger fragmentation taking place, one that seems to be hitting the New Calvinist sphere hard.