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04 January 2020

Inbox: Why the Focus on Foreign Affairs and Geopolitics? (Part 2)

Such exposés reveal the world is broken, wicked, corrupt and that in reality there are no 'good guys' to be found. There are lesser and greater evils. We are pilgrims, suffering exiles and cross-bearers. The world is at ease, building its kingdoms. It hates the forces that oppose it whether their aims are political or not. As fallen man is a political creature he is not capable of understanding our mindset and posture and thus he will be suspicious of us and ultimately because we will not bow and submit to his idolatry... he will hate us. Sadly the same is true of those who profess Christ but still give themselves to the same fleshly political impulse.

Understanding the 'big picture' reveals not only these realities but it will clarify who the traitors are within our midst, those who have collaborated with the Beast in order to build a pseudo-Zion, those who endlessly lie in order to make merchandise of God's people.
Anticipating the Jewish Wars a generation after the cross and the destruction of Jerusalem, Christ warned his followers to discern the times and then to do what? Flee to the mountains and wait. I believe the events surrounding AD70 were a precursory and typological picture of the Final Judgment, but given that the Abomination of Desolation would also seem to be something that is repeated, finding fulfillment in Antiochus Epiphanes, in Titus and (it would seem) in the events immediately preceding the Parousia, it also follows (and this is in keeping with the reiterative prophetic vision cycles throughout the Old Testament and even Revelation) that such events are characteristic of this age. In other words these events repeat themselves as we march toward the eschaton. A ramification of this understanding is that Christ's warnings in Matthew 24 are (at least in general terms) applicable to the entire Church Age, and thus they apply today.
Thus, it behooves us to understand the times so that we too may flee to the mountains as it were, not to Petra, but to whatever its equivalent may be in our own contexts. The False Church reiterates the ethics of the Zealots and would call the Church to take up the sword and fight.
We wait and just as the disciples and prophets have always asked, we too wonder when shall these things be? We take comfort from the vision granted to Zechariah in response to the State of the World Report. The craftsmen-carpenters (angelic entities to be sure) will come and destroy the horns which have been lifted up against the Heavenly Zion, the Kingdom-Ecclesia of Christ. The imagery when coupled with the parallel visions (particularly in chapter 5) suggests an altar motif which hints that the persecution of God's people is not just from the Beast powers (such as Babylon, Persia, Greece and Rome) but also from a pseudo-Zion, the traitors who 'swear falsely by my name', those who have abandoned being the Bride but instead have become the woman 'Wickedness', the apostates of Babylon-Shinar. As Kline points out this imagery is picked up in Revelation 11 with Jerusalem (the Church in the context of Revelation) being identified as Sodom and Egypt, which persecutes and silences the Two Witnesses... the imagery of which harks back to Zechariah and can be identified as the Remnant Church.
This breaking of the horns (the symbols of power) in Zechariah 1 is something that finds its ultimate fulfillment in the Parousia but it would seem it also happens in an anticipatory-symbolic way throughout history. While history moves toward the eschaton, along the way there are micro-cycles of empires rising and falling, periods of renewal and apostasy. The beast-hydra's horned head is reared up and dies, and yet is reborn. Its final defeat will come only with Christ who is (in terms of the Zechariah 1 vision) the True Carpenter-Craftsman or in this sense, the bringer of demolition and judgment.
When shall these things be? The carpenters will come and destroy the horns which have been lifted up against Zion. It happens on a micro-cyclical scale throughout history as the hydra head dies and yet is reborn but ultimately this is not fulfilled in the consummate sense until Christ comes. We are not called to break the horns but we are called to cast down their arguments, the potency of their thoughts and to bear witness against them – the Beast nations and their agents. We can't do that when the Church is busy syncretising the lost thinking and philosophies of the world with Christian doctrine. We can't do that when we've sold out and become one of the horns, one of the hydra-heads.
The more I began to dig into the world system, history and current events, the more I was appalled to realise just how evil it all is, and how involved and intertwined the Church is within it. While I think many would easily acknowledge the world's evil and corruption in terms of money and power, how many would understand the Church is actually in the thick of it? Financially invested in the Beast system, the Church, its leaders and members are also personally involved in the evil and on another level there are deep emotional and spiritual ties which have been fostered and promoted by generations of false teachers and apostate witness.
The digging, investigating and reflecting have exposed a deep and cancerous rot. The money and power the 'Church' has embraced has resulted in theft, murder and abomination. As suggested earlier, it happened before, in the days of Constantine and went through various recastings throughout the Middle Ages. The Reformation decried the corruption and abuses of the Papacy but caught up in the political struggle of its day and refusing to eschew and reject the foundational doctrines, it embraced yet another expression of the same error. It was like the proverbial dog that returns to its vomit. Even in the subsequent history of Protestantism this process has been repeated and it is alive and well in our day. In the 20th century various ecclesiastical movements and institutions in the most powerful empire in history embraced it anew, in yet another manifestation. An impetus for ecumenical collaboration, the understanding of the Kingdom of Christ as a Right-wing variety of Capitalist 'Judeo-Christian' Western Civilisation has spawned a host of evils and represents a grave and existential threat to the Church... if such a thing is possible. While the Church cannot fail, the apostasy can become so pervasive that the true voice of the Church seemingly dies and is eradicated. This has happened before and we're in danger of it even now. God's will be done and Judgment is certainly due. Few have properly appreciated the magnitude of the crimes and the sin in which the so-called Church is involved. To understand this one must understand the world system... the system praised by the false teachers who also obfuscate its many evils and in some cases celebrate them.
We can safely say and must say the would-be Bride has turned whore once more. The woman who fled into the wilderness has been corrupted and now has become a harlot who has joined forces with the Beast. It's not the first time this has happened but we may pray it is the last.
But we can also pray for restraint and respite, hoping that more time and mercy will be granted and that eyes can be opened and souls can be saved. We can hope that this mercy will lead to the manifestation of a remnant, of a spiritual opposition that will bear witness and glorify God. Dark days are ahead but amid the darkness we may also find something of a golden age... though lost thinking and wisdom will not reckon it as such.
And if not, we'll tell the truth anyway so that somewhere there will be a testimony to the truth, that someone somewhere will be exposing their deeds. And if no one listens we'll shout into the air, from the housetops, even into the ether-void of cyberspace. It must be said because the truth burns within us and we must cry out and proclaim it, even if no one will listen.
But to understand what the Church is involved in and the forces and powers at work in the world... like it or not we have to spend some time looking at the wider world and its system. Not all will be interested and not all will even have the capacity to understand it. And to a degree that's fine, but these things need to be said and bit by bit some will come to a fuller understanding. Some will rise to the challenge and some (we hope) will begin to see.
See also: