30 November 2019

An Informal ECT Alliance and the Bolivian Coup

Fernando Camacho and Jeanine Añez both represent Right-wing Christian forces at work in Latin America. Both are Roman Catholic and yet in many ways embody the Evangelical style and appeal to its audience. With the flight of Morales in November 2019, both figures were connected to episodes in which Bibles were held up high accompanied by proclamations of the return of Christianity to Bolivia.
In North America Evangelicals and Roman Catholics began to work in concert back in the 1980's and 1990's and while the relationship in Latin America has proven rocky, there are hints that politics and culture war are bringing them together.

16 November 2019

More Disease Ridden Cures: Attacking Lausanne on the Basis of Right-Wing Politics (Part 2)

It was appropriate that in the Old Testament order there was a certain earthly glory and indeed like Abraham we are 'wealthy' pilgrims. But wealth and riches have to be understood in spiritual terms which Proverbs (ironically) defines as spiritual wisdom, something the New Testament elaborates upon. Once again I say ironic because the proponents of Christo-capitalism heavily rely on Proverbs to make their fiscal case but never see the questions in light of the New Testament and actually ignore the foundational concepts regarding wealth that are laid out in the early chapters.

More Disease Ridden Cures: Attacking Lausanne on the Basis of Right-Wing Politics (Part 1)

I was eager to read ES Williams' Ecumenism: Another Gospel (Lausanne's Road to Rome) which was published in 2014. It was in certain respects a 'good read' and at times helpful, even insightful. But in the end I wouldn't recommend the book to anyone.
Alongside a rightly guided Biblical critique of the movement which has become the international platform of post-war Evangelicalism, there was an unfortunate Right-wing aspect or angle which seems to govern Williams' thought.

07 November 2019

An Example of Kuyperian Two Kingdom Theology Applied

This is another example of what I often refer to as Pseudo-Two Kingdom Theology. While it purports to avoid the direct theocratic models advocated by some, it nevertheless operates on a Dominionist basis. The form is different and while it ostensibly observes the necessary distinction between Church and culture, it nevertheless operates on the false assumption that the Kingdom includes, incorporates and redeems culture. As Doriani states:
...the kingdom is wider than the visible church. The visible, corporate church is the vanguard, the concentration point, the training ground, and the sending agency for kingdom work, but kingdom work is broader than church work.