25 December 2015

Christmas: Dan and Bethel Revived

The embrace of Christmas is a rejection of Scripture as the ultimate authority and arbiter of all matters concerning the faith and Kingdom. Christmas is perhaps the perfect example of syncretistic religion and worldliness wedded to the Church. There is no better way to bear witness to our culture than to categorically reject Christmas. This will say more to people you know than any attempt to 'keep Christ' in something that He was never part of to begin with.

Finally, we are given a means to celebrate the Incarnation of Christ and in a tactile way no less. The Word made visible in the Lord's Supper is a proclamation to the world that Christ the Incarnate Theanthropos, the God-man yet lives and is coming once more. The power, efficacy and potent prophetical symbolism rooted in the Lord's Supper as a visible manifestation of the Word of God is reduced and denigrated when we embrace a de facto declaration that it is insufficient to properly and adequately declare the Holy Mystery. And therefore, we must innovate and through our own invention bring a new ordinance of worship into the world, in the Judaized form of a 'Holy Day' no less. It ought not to be so and those faithful to the Word and its testimony will rightly reject and denounce this idolatrous day.

The keeping of Christmas is in vain, being a mere expression of doctrines that are not Divine in origin but instead exalt the commandments of men. It is a rejection of worship rooted in Spirit and Truth but instead is an embrace of flesh gratifying will worship or self-imposed religion. To declare one day above another is to reject the Eschatological reality of our existence and to root the Holy in times and seasons of this perishing age.

Keeping Christmas is to worship at the altars of Dan and Bethel. It is a cheap imitation and mockery of the true worship found at Mt. Zion.

I became a Christian in 1995. Embracing Reformed Theology I immediately understood the argument and principle expressed by Pilgrim, Puritans and Presbyterians regarding this point. It was plain to see that Christmas has no place in the worship of the Church. I never celebrated it again and I've never looked back. Scriptural Authority has led me to question many tenets of Presbyterianism and other aspects of the Reformed tradition but frankly the Christmas question is pretty basic.

It's also telling how the majority of the Reformed while praising their canonised Westminster Confession, reject its teaching and have sold-out and embraced the world and its superstitious and flesh affirming celebrations.

What do we do in my home? It's absolutely like any other day. If I can work, I do. It depends on my situation. If I can't, then we treat it as just another day off. We do school, go for a walk, read Scripture etc...

It's a great day to get Chinese food if you can find a place that's open. It's usually pretty quiet. My children have no problem with our rejection of the day. They understand the issues and the state of things. They are learning Scripture and Church history and they have little trouble understanding what's at stake.

One keenly feels the antithesis. It's lonely but exhilarating. More than any other day I feel like foreigner in this land. It reminds me of living in Italy, a visitor, a sojourner, welcomed to be sure, able to enjoy the fruits and beauties of the land... but never fully part of it.

With regard to the apostate Church, it is right that we are outside the camp, not partaking in her sins as so many this day will not only embrace idolatry but more likely than not combine it with some false notion about the 'troops' overseas and the de-sacralisation of the United States.