The War on Terror is a complete farce. In September 2001
there were a few hundred men tucked into the Hindu Kush that were the backbone
of al Qaeda. Supported by the miniscule government that was the Taliban and
augmented by small numbers of operatives in Europe and America they pulled off
an attack that was a stunning propaganda victory but did little to actually
harm the US Empire in terms of its military, geopolitical or economic might. It
was a dramatic guerilla attack that's still mired in a fog of questions and
suppressed information that leave the official narrative in question.
The War on Terror
has been a War of Terror. The United
States has killed far more than al Qaeda ever has and has now generated war in
multiple countries and with the wholesale destruction of societies it has
effectively produced the very thing it ostensibly set out to destroy. Terrorism
is far more prevalent today than it was in 2001 and this is a direct result of
US policy. Washington and its allies are breeding terrorists faster than they
can kill them. Like the phony War on Drugs the pseudo-fight has taken on a life
of its own. The war itself is business and is a means to implement a wide array
of corollary policies and objectives. The original goals if ever genuine to
begin with have been completely obscured.
While not yet terrorised by weaponised drones, the American
public has also been an object of terror. And yet very little of this has come
from militant jihadis. Rather, the bulk of it has come directly from our own
government through the suspension of the rule of law, basic rights, mass
surveillance, and a climate of fear that has sometimes resulted in travel
restriction, incarceration, torture and assassination.
While being subjected to large-scale and deep propaganda on
the National Mall, Americans (and foreign tourists) are subjected to a host of
faux security procedures. They are completely for show and lack any valid justification
in terms of security for either the public or the structures which they purport
to protect.
The lines which did not exist before 2001 are little more
than bottlenecks which provide opportunities for attack rather than security.
The searches are arbitrary. At some venues bags go through
x-ray machines, and at others they don't. The searches are cursory and
laughable. Any skilled agent could easily defeat them.
Pockets are emptied but in many cases jewelry is not removed.
Some people are 'wanded', some are not, even though their jewelry may have set
off the metal detectors. Last time we visited one of the Smithsonian museums my
14 year old son had to get pulled aside and wanded. Oh yes, he was likely to
blow up Abe Lincoln's hat.
Some venues require the removal of jackets, others don't.
Often if you're not carrying a bag but wearing a jacket you're waved in even
though you could be carrying an array of weapons underneath your coat or in its
Like the airport fiasco, you are rushed and humiliated,
forced to reveal what you carry, explain your possessions in the audience of
both security officials and others in line. Women (like my wife) are forced to remove
jackets which in some cases are part of their 'outfit'. It's a bit different
than me merely removing a light jacket.
And yet it's clear that it's all for nothing. At one venue I
accidently slipped a pocket knife inside and wasn't caught. I had used a
backpack that I normally use for hiking and camping and had forgotten the knife
was in a small pocket. It was caught at a later venue and yet after a quick
explanation it was permitted as long as it stayed inside the bag.
It's all ridiculous and in the end it must be concluded that
it exists for two primary reasons.
The first (and lesser) reason is that at this point there's
an established bureaucracy. There's a budget, jobs, contracts and no one wants
to upset the order. The number of people employed by this charade boggles the
But more importantly this serves the larger government agenda
of governance through fear and intimidation. We are being conditioned to
humiliation and invasion. Even the items in our pockets are not private,
including our body parts it would seem. New scanners and invasive searches are
completely subjugating us. It's one big PSYOP (Psychological Operation).
I'm not a Right-winger who cries give me liberty of death or
a Leftist who argues endlessly for civil liberties.
I'm a Christian who lives as a stranger and exile in a
Bestial Empire, one largely championed by a false form of Christianity. I'm
watching the historical progression and the implications of a regime that is
struggling to deal with advancing technology. I'm watching a regime that
abandoned its principles and the rule of law long ago and now lives in fear of
that which it purports to uphold and promote... democracy. It fears the people
and their access to information. It fears genuine grass roots organisation and
As a Christian I don't really believe in democracy. It might
in some circumstances be a preferable system to live under but it by no means
represents a Christian position nor does it reflect some kind of godly
political order. Quite the contrary. The reason we can show some favour toward
it is in its promotion of social pluralism. As Christians we want societies
that are socially pluralistic. As I've said many times before don't confuse
this with theological pluralism nor should you listen to the Sacralist voices
that insist the two go together. They do not.
As Roman and now American society abandon democratic and
republican values and take on a more specifically Bestial role they begin to
deny social pluralism. They can still embrace theological pluralism as long as
it is under a statist umbrella. Worship Caesar first and then you can worship
whatever you want. That's not a true pluralism.
We want the state to be silent with regard to our worship.
This means we will live as pilgrims in a society that includes many other false
religions and yet we're allowed freedom, just as they are. Neither the
Christian Right nor forms of Secular American Nationalism believe in pluralism.
The Christian Right gets this wrong both in their position and in their
interpretation of American Secularism. Nationalism is a religion and if
enforced we do not have a pluralistic society.
Returning to the security state, we are forced to conclude
the Establishment is afraid and therefore it is determined to make the public
subject to terror and psychological manipulation. The terrorists do not wish to
attack America because we're free. Our freedom is limited and complicated but
that's another issue. Muslim Terrorists are not sitting around slamming their
fists into the ground furious that Americans vote, shop at Macy's and watch
American Idol.
They are angry because their societies (and religion) have
been manipulated by the West. Their countries have been bombed, dictators have
been installed and backed that have tortured and killed their people. They are
robbed and prevented any recourse and means of escape.
If the United States cancels its policies these people (in
time) will leave the US alone.
However the US cannot stop. It long ago set itself on a
course from which there is no stopping. It has fallen into the conqueror's
trap. To stop means to die and in the case of the United States an imperial withdrawal,
a retraction would quickly lead to an economic and social implosion. The
American war machine is the economy.
Thus the public has to continue being led along this path of
fear and manipulation. Like the War on Drugs, the security state is largely
false. It's not really what it purports to be but instead represents a wielding
of power, another type of mind-war against the public.
Like the Greek Democracies of antiquity, the US Establishment
has realised that democracy in the end doesn't really work. It actually
promotes instability. You cannot build an empire on democracy. Something has to
give and in every case it is democracy that fails even if its trappings are
maintained for a long time after.
The public is led to believe that these searches of their
pockets and online information are keeping them safe from terror. They also
believe that somehow this November they're going to 'decide' who runs the
country and the course it is going to take.
At this point I think of an array of commentators who decry
this type of cynicism who view as immoral this level of doubt concerning
national institutions and their official proclamations with regard to history
and current events. They think people like me suffer from a type of moral
Why answer fools? Why cast pearls before swine?
Of course these same characters also engage in their own
versions of subversive interpretation and impose their own meta-narratives on
history and current events. Their institutional fidelities are also
conditional. What they don't appreciate is even their conditions challenge the
narrative. All too often it would seem that adherence to truth is less of a
concern than simply the wielding and legitimisation of power that comes with
controlling the narrative. Power has no conscience and they'll find that out if
they try to appeal to it. They want their consciences but no one else is
allowed to have one if it questions their vision. In the end their moral
concern is exposed as fraudulent and self-serving.
I expect lost people to make idols of their Pseudo-Eden's and
Pseudo-Zion's but when I see Christian's who fall for the same I am reminded of
Scripture's warnings concerning false prophets and teachers who will seek to
make merchandise of God's people, who think godliness is wealth, power and
gain, who have a form of godliness but deny its power and certainly its
message. Beware the advocates of any theology that tell us not to live as
strangers and pilgrims on this earth who tell us that godliness is to serve the
world's idols of blood vengeance and exploitation, the Bestial state. Beware
those who confuse the identity of the Church with the identity of a state,
society or culture. Such confusions are de
facto expressions of another gospel.
The powers that be serve a purpose in this age but we are not
to join with them and we're certainly here to bear witness to the Truth which
necessarily means exposing their lies and all spiritual strongholds that men