One of the few figures in Reformed circles that I genuinely respect is Carl Trueman. Generally I appreciate his historical insight and balance. He comes across as non-partisan which is a rare thing in politicized world of denominational and factional scholarship and commentary.
I was so disappointed to hear him appearing on the Janet
Mefferd Show. She is to put it bluntly a Right Wing political hack that
promotes the idolatry of Christo-Americanism. Her programmes and opinions are a
dangerous mix of Bible, heresy and outright falsehoods. I listen only because
of my morbid fascination with how self-proclaimed Bible believers proceed to
twist Scripture. Her commentary is rooted in Biblical and historical ignorance
and always tainted with the idolatry of Americanism which blends the Scripture
and forms of historical Christianity with Market Capitalism, Nationalism,
Militarism, and Social Authoritarianism.
I'm afraid I lose respect for people who appear on
programmes like this. I realize they're just trying to promote a new book but
it comes across as whoring. I realize in many cases Reformed authors will agree
with the opinions and aspirations of someone like Mefferd, but Trueman (I have
to believe) has enough historical savvy to lack respect for the show. And I
have rarely met foreigners who drink the Kool-Aid of Christo-American politics and
I know Trueman himself does not. He wrote 'Republocrat' which was a thoughtful
critique of the American political system and the Christian Right. He was
rightly critical of FOX news and the disposition that goes with it. Why then
would he appear on Mefferd's show which is nothing more than a more explicitly
'Christian' version of Fox and the Limbaugh/Beck school of hack journalism?
In this case Trueman really disappointed. Was we watering
down the discussion? I don't know. Listening to the ignorance of callers on
Christian radio can be pretty stunning and perhaps Trueman realized Mefferd's
audience consists of pretty low IQ's, but that doesn't excuse the bias and
reductionism that came across here.
His history did come across as partisan and he pulled some
of the typical Reformed/Lutheran trickery. While Christian Historians are often
critical of secular histories which focus on culture and economics, they all
too often (and quite irresponsibly) choose to ignore these factors. The
secularists often ignore the spiritual element, which they cannot properly
understand but so much of Christian history falls into the categories of
Romanticism and propaganda. Trueman was always an exception. I will grant he
'sounded' better than many do even on this programme, but in terms of content,
he really disappointed.
I don't expect him to adopt my view of the Reformation as
the Second Constantinian Shift but I am leery of historians who refuse to
properly appreciate the political/magisterial and sociological aspects of the
Of course once you accept concepts like Christianization,
your definitions and categories are askew and it's difficult to have a proper
Biblically focused discussion.
One thing that irked me early on was the fact that they
tried to differentiate between 'moral' proto-Protestants (like Huss and
Wycliffe) and 'theological' Protestants, as if those before Luther failed
because they weren't attacking Rome on a theological or structural level. This
is completely untrue and misleading. While Wycliffe did not go as far as we
might wish, he still was attacking the system, the very authority of the
Papacy. And as far as pre-Reformation dissidents go, he was pretty
conservative. The Waldenses, most of the Hussites, Chelcicky and others were
much more sweeping and thorough in their denunciations of the Papal System.
This is a long tale that could even include figures such as Arnold of Brescia
and the Dolcinites.
But once again, we begin to delve into the question of
Christendom and the propriety of equating Western Civilization with the Kingdom
of God on earth. The truth is the Medieval Dissidents rejected all of it
including much the later Lutheran and Reformed Protestants would glory in.
Though the moniker Sola Scriptura did not exist before the
'Solas' of the Reformation the principle was long established in many pre-Reformation
dissident circles. It was the basis of their critique. To suggest Luther came
up with this is simply mistaken.
The Medieval adherence to Scripture among dissident groups
often included a complete rejection of the Constantinianism which the
Magisterial Reformation happily embraced. To my astonishment Trueman actually
accused the Anabaptists of Transformationalism!...of trying to create a
Christian culture. I assume he's referring to Munster which did not represent
the entirety of Anabaptism. This common calumny is akin to those who would view
all of Puritanism in light of the Salem Witch Trials. It's simply dishonest and
bad historiography.
The Anabaptists were rejecting the whole Constantinian
order. They were Separatists. It was the Protestants who were trying to create
a new Christendom by joining themselves with the state.
This probably says more about the intramural debate in
Reformed circles over the nature of the Kingdom and the relationship to
culture. There are many in Reformed circles who are trying to disavow the past
and steer a Kuyperian but not overtly Dominionist or Theocratic road. Some of
the contemporary Reformed are (thankfully) not too keen to embrace something
like Article 36 of the Belgic Confession. The article represents some of the
worst of Reformed Confessionalism and is not only erroneous but a deliberate
Much to their agitation and horror they get accused of being
Anabaptists which is not accurate either but they try at every opportunity to
distance themselves from that charge and come out swinging. The Anabaptists are
the perennial object of derision in Reformed polemics. This essential issue
however has nothing to do with Baptism.
From my perspective most of the Reformed are in fact theological
Baptists when it comes to the covenant, but with regard to their view of
culture they most certainly are not Anabaptists. These folks are all
Transformationalists, it's simply a matter of degree and expectation of
success. They all embrace positive and Sacral views of culture and Trueman
would be no exception.
Even those like Horton and Riddlebarger who are most vocal
against Transformationalism still embrace the ideas of Kuyper, the doctrine of
Vocation, and believe the advancement of culture (defined in Western, not
Biblical terms I would add) contributes to the building and advancement of the
Kingdom of God.
While it may sound prima facie counterintuitive to reject
these doctrines, I have argued that they actually redefine and ultimately
subvert the Kingdom of God and its mission on earth.
Often they'll associate all the Anabaptists with the
disaster at Munster....knowing full well that was only a small fringe minority
and in no way reflected the mainstream of Anabaptist thought then or now.
These Reformed people rail against others who 'misrepresent'
and 'attack' them. They accuse them of false witness and violation of the 9th
Commandment but then ironically they all seem to do the same when attacking
their enemies...but especially the Anabaptists.