03 October 2022

Public School is Not an Option for Christians (I)


Parents need to understand the sodomite-feminist ethos is omnipresent in the culture and in the public school. It's something much bigger than the agenda of specific sex-ed classes. Pulling your children from these sessions is not enough. Christian parents must get their children out of public school. This is not negotiable. If it was at one time, that day is now long past.

There is an unstated (and perhaps unelaborated) goal to create a new type of androgynous person. Feminism doesn't satisfy. It's in a state of crisis and as such girls are angry and confused and becoming increasing masculine – even while many are also highly sexualised. I've written about this before, the phenomenon of the scantily dressed girl who still comes across as masculine and utterly lacking in all feminine charms, grace, and comportment – even the bad kind of feminine charms. These girls are a sad incongruity. I also see growing numbers that are simply masculine. It's as if they don't have a feminine inclination or bone in their body.

Boys are being turned into milquetoast stay-at-home dads or stuck in perpetual 'little boy' mode. As 'supportive husbands' they are becoming the helpmeets of their wives who increasingly are the focus and leadership element within the family dynamic. Boys are either soft and prissy types who don't want to get their hands dirty or they become the stupid juvenile types that can't move beyond having big loud pick-up trucks with crude stickers on the back, whose pursuit of culture and meaning is reduced to childish expressions in a man-cave while watching sporting events. And increasing numbers of this type that I encounter seem to only possess one adjective in their vocabulary – and it begins with 'F'.

The models to create a new type of egalitarian order are failing as it has simply led to feminine supremacy – which is already generating an ugly backlash in some quarters or are best it's leading to an unstable marriage and family dynamic that's bound to fail. And the chaos and confusion has already generated a proliferation in the realm of sodomy. If you think a lot of people are suffering mental illness and being medicated at present – we haven't seen anything yet.

As a Christian I can say with confidence the culture is under judgment and there is a demonic element to all of this. I've written extensively about the failure of the larger Church in this regard and not just its capitulation but its embrace and sanctification of these core assumptions – even if tries to avoid the extremes. As such, the Evangelical movement is compromised. It's fighting a losing battle in trying to stop the progression – all the more when they send their children off to the world of public school.

More and more parents fail in their basic duties and many lack any kind of moral grounding and so they struggle to talk about such things with their children. But as Christians charged to raise our children in the fear and admonition of the Lord – not as pagans waiting to be converted but as holy members of God's community, the Church – it is both abdication and folly to hand over our holy children, the sons and daughters of Zion to the Chaldeans and Philistines for education and the development of their character.

Once again Christian America thinking confuses this issue as most don't see it as the realm of the Chaldeans or Philistines and can't grasp the analogy. Because of this and the various false gospel paradigms of Evangelicalism – from its baptistic assumptions about children to its watered down cheap grace gospel, whole generations are being lost.

It is not just 'going to school', it is an immersion in that world and its culture. Some kids survive it but they do not emerge unscathed. And yet the statistics are clear, a vast majority of Christian children will apostatize by their teens and many make it official while at college and away from the day to day pressures of domestic conformity and the expectations of church life.

Such sex-based education (as reported in the article) delves deep into values and behaviour and the antithesis between the Church and world becomes very stark. And yet again, given the nature of today's culture, these discussions and values will all but permeate the entire public school experience – the agenda elaborated in the article all but states this, if one reads between the lines. In the past teachers might not have been Christian but there was a restraint that no longer exists. It didn't make the education more Christian or mean that these lost people were somehow in a better place. It just meant they were restrained and yet the mechanisms that held them in check were soon exposed as little more than a veneer and quickly collapsed. It was a false and empty comfort that the earlier generation of Christians put their trust in. As a product of the public school that grew up in a very weak if farcical Christian home I can attest to all of these things. And yet the public school system I grew up in is long gone.

Today, that veneer of restraint is gone as are many of the basic mores that once governed society. Indeed, many young teachers have grown up in a different culture and have no familiarity with traditional Christian values and struggle to even understand them. Why would you hand your children over to these people knowing that they will exercise a huge influence on your children and play a role in their formation? And in other cases they all but despise those who hold to different values and think nothing of trying to undermine them. I saw this happening with some of my relations over a decade ago.

The NPR article is appalling and offensive but not unexpected. It's lost people fumbling through the chaos-world that has emerged from the context of the Enlightenment. Many Christians think that their so-called Christian culture has only recently been subject to collapse. The truth is these battles were fought (and lost) more than a century ago. It takes generations for the ideas to ripen and ferment and bring about a result. And in the process they permutate and there's cross-fertilisation. It's complicated and confusing and given the state of the Church during this long chapter, it's not surprising that these ideas have made inroads within the Church and in many cases been subject to processes of syncretisation as they are combined with areas of Christian thought.

The ball wasn't dropped in the 1960's. That's too shortsighted. The ball was dropped in the 1760's and even well before that. Some Christians have long understood this but they've always been a minority – lonely voices screaming into the fierce winds of history and cultural upheaval. Reaction has too often been the order of the day as opposed to principled Biblical thinking.

As I've stated on more than one occasion, it has long been my hope that when this farce called Christendom would collapse, the Church would be at a point in which its members could re-think fundamental questions. But sadly it appears the collapse is going to turn very ugly and unleash great evil within the Church – all but silencing Scriptural voices of sanctified or spiritual reason.

The same day I read this egregious article, I also heard Ralph Kerr appear on the Family Life Network. Kerr is associated with Houghton College (now university) in Western New York and as a former public school educator and administrator he aggressively pushes for Christians to become involved in their local public schools. He was at this long before the current campaign to get Right-wing folks on school boards – a movement which has become associated with the likes of Breitbart, Bannon, and Trump.

Kerr praises the public school and asserts there are thousands of Christian teachers still present within the system, fighting these battles, and in need of support. And the host of the show who attempts to pass himself off as some kind of news personality also frequently mentions that his wife is a public school teacher.

To be blunt, this is madness. Christians in the public school system need to get out. They need to repent. Whatever you might have thought you were doing in helping kids and the like is long over. Find a Christian school if you still feel the call to be involved in education – in that capacity.

And yet many stay and many deceive themselves, convinced that what's happening in their particular school isn't all bad or maybe even the superintendent is a Christian. These are all testimonies to compromise and yet I hear them all the time. Those other schools are bad, not mine. And yet do they look at the fruit, the harvest these schools produce? Just because there isn't a 'Drag Queen Story Hour' at your school doesn't mean all is well. And I'm not even talking about the other 'American' values that are taught – values that are also non- and often anti-Christian, and yet are nevertheless celebrated by Evangelicals. After all Jesus and Paul were Capitalists and flag waving Americans too, right? These fundamental errors rooted in American thought and the many deeply rooted contradictions inherent in American thinking have played and continue to play a role in feeding the decadence, the meat-grinder of degeneracy that is public schooling, education, and youth culture. And what I'm saying is no less true in other contexts such as Europe.

Continue Reading Part 2