30 June 2022

Sola Scriptura and Divine Simplicity (II)

To my mind, it makes perfect sense that this dispute over the doctrine of God has arisen in the context of Reformed Baptist circles as I have long argued Baptist doctrine and understandings regarding concepts such as the covenant and sacraments tend toward reductionism and result from a kind of rationalism at work that will not tolerate ambiguity, tension, and paradox – even though a true Biblicist hermeneutic demands the embrace of such mysteries.

Sola Scriptura and Divine Simplicity (I)


Though I've made it abundantly clear in the past that I'm not a fan of Chris Arnzen's Iron Sharpens Iron, when I saw that Sam Waldron was to be the guest I decided to give the show a listen. I was all the more intrigued by the suggestion that there were problems or challenges with regard to Sola Scriptura.

I was mostly pleased by what I heard. I feared that the show would be about Critical Race Theory, alien epistemologies and things of that order, but that wasn't it at all. They were talking about a debate taking place within Reformed circles and given Arnzen and Waldron – specifically within Reformed Baptist circles.

21 June 2022

Trueman: A Little Late to the Antithesis Game


Trueman is right to lament Pride Month and the latest shift in our culture that will (without a doubt) lead to the marginalisation of Christians. It's inescapable, and like Lot in Sodom – any Christian is bound to be vexed by the world and the conduct that surrounds us.

07 June 2022

Dobbs v. Jackson: A Pyrrhic Victory at Best

It's June, and in the United States that's the time when the Supreme Court issues its substantial rulings. If the reports are to be believed it is likely that Roe v. Wade, (the 1973 Supreme Court ruling that made abortion legal in all fifty states) is going to be overturned.

Though the 7-2 decision makes it an unlikely candidate for reversal, there were always some issues with the ruling that made it subject to review. A political issue more than a legal one, the time has come or so it seems. With the Trump appointments and some GOP scheming, the Right has now gained a decided advantage on the court and it would seem they're making their move. The new era of Dobbs v. Jackson will soon be upon us, the case that will overturn Roe.