29 March 2019

The Lausanne Harvest (1974-2019)

Ah yes, the Lausanne Movement. This is the face of Evangelicalism in Europe and it has its parallels in Latin America and elsewhere. Lausanne refers to the 1974 congress organised by John Stott and Billy Graham on the shores of Lake Geneva.

The Northern Kingdom Analogy

A way to view Rome as a covenantally relevant but apostate form of Christianity.

Those who say Rome has no status and never did err both theologically and historically. It's not a tenable position.
And yet those who argue Rome still has status also err.
The Confessional metanarrative which insists Rome was the Church until the Council of Trent upon which the mantle was taken up by Magisterial Protestantism also err, a point I will briefly touch on in the conclusion.

04 March 2019

Evangelical Manipulation of the Population Debate (Part 2)

The real problem is waste and consumption. The Western world bears most of the guilt but it must be admitted that they are not solely to blame. The developing world is wasteful in other ways and certainly nations like China are now playing their part as well, a part played by the West a century ago. They have adopted the Western lifestyle and are now part of the consumption carousel.

Evangelical Manipulation of the Population Debate (Part 1)

Stonestreet once again misleads his audience as to the real questions concerning world population. For years the consensus has sounded the alarm about population and the far Right has responded with scepticism regarding their claims dismissing them as alarmist and agenda driven.
I don't doubt there are ideologues on both sides of the issue who have made their share of exaggerated claims. The world has proven resilient with regard to hunger although the costs are enormous and when considered long term the solutions of today may prove disastrous for tomorrow.