10 May 2020

Inbox: A Gospel Tract

The Gospel of Scripture vs. Today's Gospel

The gospel message is simple enough. But to present it in a few paragraphs? Well, that's not so easy especially if you want the presentation to be contextualised to our contemporary audience. Well, here's an attempt and given the nature of the exercise I'm not going to saturate it with Scriptural quotations – though I hope many will recognise it as Scriptural and as something that employs a great deal of Scriptural language. This is the message in summary – in a kind of tract or written-preached form:

This world is broken. That's something I think we can all acknowledge. But why? Man has sinned and is in rebellion against God. This world is under curse and is actually marked for doom. A day is coming in which this world will end and indeed all of us will stand before the Throne of God and give an account. The God of Glory has been patient but men have rebelled against Him. This is why there is evil in the world. This is why there is death. Some say death is natural, part of the cycle of life. That's a lie. There's nothing more unnatural than death, to see loved ones die and ripped from us. That's not part of the life that was created in Eden. Rather it's the result of man's action and his rebellion against God and as such we are actually born as sinners. Indeed we can scarcely imagine what life would be like without it. As a consequence men have learned to glory in it and revel in their sin.
This is why there is judgment and suffering and yet these sorrows are but a foretaste of what is come for those who continue to reject Him and reject His Son.
Though the lost world tells us that we are but cells and molecules and life has no meaning, the truth is, we know better. Even they do. They cannot fully live out the implications of their thought and yet its effects have proven to be disastrous. Look at the state of the world, the bloodletting that dominates history and the plight of modern man! Lives are broken and we live in a world that is lost and frankly is without hope. Men try to find hope in this life but they're trusting in vapours that are easily blown away by the first hint of trial or calamity.
There would be no hope but for the grace and mercy of God. He has provided a way in the Person of Christ.
Not communism, not capitalism, not riches, not government, not social reform, not in war or in flag-waving nations, not in philosophy or tradition, not in politics and not in science and education – but in Christ. Christ is God's revelation of Truth.
Jesus is the Son of God and in God's mercy and love He took on flesh and represented us - we undeserving sinners. Dying for us on the cross His blood was shed and our sins are forgiven. The price has been paid and what a price! And He rose from the dead, defeating death once and for all – and those who have faith, who put their trust in Him are united to Him and become citizens of Heaven. They are delivered from judgment in the form of eternal punishment. Instead we are granted eternal life. He carries us with Him through death and life as it were. He calls us to come to Him in brokenness, acknowledging our sin and our need for redemption. Cry out to God for mercy, put your faith in Christ and be reconciled to God – and death will have no claim on you.
These are words many of us have heard before. Indeed our culture is in some respects saturated with this message and variations of it. It's become the source of jokes and the arresting nature of the message causes many to merely yawn or roll their eyes. What a tragedy. Worldly Christianity has distorted and cheapened the message.
For many, salvation is but 'fire insurance', a 'Get out of Jail Free' card. This too is tragic as many people root their conversion in a kind of 'what have I got to lose' attitude or out of superstition or even sheer terror – and yet never understand the real issue at stake. We are alienated from God, from Truth. We live in a world of lies, lies that have taken and deceived us.
Too often those who profess Christ and seek religious experience are not truly broken over the fact that sin dominates us and has alienated us from God and our right relationship with Him – the relationship we were created for – the relationship many seek but fail to find. This brokenness destroys many lives. They seek God in their sin and conceive of Him in sinful terms. We are surrounded by lies and we're so broken we can't even discern the truth anymore. We can't even imagine life without sin. This should grieve us and yet many don't sense this. They don't feel the brokenness. They're not actually interested in the truth and in changing their lives. They simply want a solution to a problem, a dressing or bandage for a wound that they don't actually want to be healed. They may hate their lives but not enough to give up the enticements and pleasures of sin. And though they may feel the pain in their hearts and seek peace and meaning, they still readily give themselves to the voices that encourage them in their sinful attitudes. Some of these people have religious encounters and experiences but they still refuse to come in brokenness and to surrender – and to listen to what God says in His word – and to follow it come what may.
The message of the gospel is a promise of deliverance from Hell and the consequences of sin but more than that – it is the hope of reconciliation with God. Jesus is the door and the way by which we have the promise of a new and eternal life. Because of Christ, we can stand before God. He will hear our prayers and give us hope and peace.
But too many cheapen this glorious message by simply saying 'let God come into your life' or confuse the message by seeming to think that the gospel is a tool of empowerment by which Christians are transformed into modern day crusaders – cross in hand, conquering the culture and the Earth itself. Failing to understand the message of the New Testament, to turn our backs on the world and take up the cross – and to preach this message to a lost and dying world – they think godliness is a pathway to glory, power and riches. The charlatans on television are only the worst and most extreme examples of this theology which largely dominates the Western Church.
Though it is largely ignored, the New Testament repeatedly warns us that the Church Age will be one of apostasy, one of false teachers, one of constant opposition and war – and in many cases it's not just the world (the realm of Satan) seeking to destroy us but in fact these forces are at work within the Church. Yes, the New Testament actually teaches that there will be False Christianity and that the Church's greatest enemies are found within. Do you hate the false television preachers and the Church leaders who ally themselves with sleazy and deceptive politicians? So do all who follow Christ. And yet as Christ's servants we don't return evil for evil. We call them out and shame them but we don't seek to destroy them. We pray for them because they are to be pitied and many of them are in for a shock when they stand before God. We're called to be faithful. Don't worry about them – God will take care of them in His good time.
So are you tired of the hypocrisy and corruption? Do you see that many evils have been done in the name of the Church, in the name of Christ? A New Testament Christian would agree with you. It's tragic but much that passes for 'Christian' is actually not Christian at all. There are many claims and many christs. Many come in His name but clearly do not know Him. The christ they serve is one they've invented, one that fits their needs and will fulfill their desires. Just because someone attends a building with a steeple on top – don't think that means they're a Christian or that they define their Christianity as it has been revealed in the New Testament. Just because someone wears a robe or has a degree in theology- that doesn't guarantee that they serve Christ or faithfully represent Him. They may have thousands or even millions of followers but that means nothing. The Scriptures say that the way to destruction is broad but the way to life is through a narrow gate and there are few that find it.
The Christ we preach is the Christ of the New Testament. You must study it. We are commanded to be people of the Book. God has spoken to us in words and through these words we can discover the real Christ and the real message – not the false Christianity that runs rampant, that seeks numbers over truth, that pursues riches, that forms alliances with the world powers, that in some cases commits evil acts and perpetrates blasphemies in the name of Christ. The New Testament warns us that they will seek to make money off God's people, they will do things that will cause the world to hate the Church – as if the message of the gospel, that we're sinners deserving of death and in need of grace isn't offensive enough – and that they will have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof. In other words they will have an outward form of religion and Christianity but in reality, in their heart of hearts and in their actions and the lives that they lead – they show that they don't actually get the message. They and their followers live as if they don't believe in God, as if this world is all there is. I think we all know of such people and sadly many of them are actually leaders in the Church! They're not laying up treasures in heaven as we are commanded. No, they would make this life into their heaven and they want to be lords and kings sitting on thrones of gold. What a perversion of the gospel!
The Christ of the New Testament, the True Christ stands in opposition to these forces and to the world. He is coming and He commands everyone to repent. Will you despise the mercy of God? Will you count the blood of Christ as nothing, as worthless? Do you reject Christ? God has provided a way and the day of repentance is now. You may not have another opportunity and in hearing this (or reading it) you are all the more accountable. Think on that.
God is merciful and his salvation is one of grace – it is freely given but it has a cost. We are not called to have a mere religious moment, or to work our way through some kind of checklist. No, it's a free gift but in taking it – we give our lives. That's what faith is. The apostle Paul describes us as slaves and yet finds that to be a joyful prospect. We are bought and our lives belong to Christ. It's all that matters. If we really understand our lost state and the price that was paid by Christ and the grace and mercy of God in saving us – then our status as slaves to Christ is one that we should happily and humbly embrace.
That's a message that seems foolish to the world. Though lost and evil men try to package it and sell it as they would some kind of household product, the truth is that in the world's eyes it (the gospel message) is absurd. And yet, God is glorified in this, in this defiance of the world's wisdom. And for us, we crave the truth so fiercely, we want to be restored to God and in our desire to have our sins forgiven – we are willing to be counted as fools. We're not Christians because we get something out of it. We're Christians because the message of Christ is true.
We are called to follow Him and though the world will hate us and maybe even plunder our goods and kill us – we will follow because in acknowledging Christ we condemn the world as a realm of lies and death and it has nothing to offer us. We become citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven and are mere pilgrims on this Earth – ambassadors for Christ, bearing witness of Him and His glory. Would you have hope? Would you make your home in heaven? Turn to Christ.
Repent and believe this very day, this very hour.
Be baptised and wash away your sins, accept the seal of God upon your person – the seal that unites you to Christ. It is the visible sign in space and time that you are His. In newness of life, your soul will be plucked from the fire, fear will no longer have hold. The Holy Spirit promises to dwell within us. Don't think of the cheap depictions of this and the theatrics used by television hucksters. No, the Bible teaches us this reality and it's profound, a source of wonder – that God would dwell within us. Indeed it is good news. The apostle Peter tells us that even the angels consider this a wonder and something they wish to know more about.
You will know a life of joy and peace even in the midst of cross-bearing and struggle. God will strengthen you and give you hope if you trust in Him. And the faith of the martyrs who faced death with hymns of joy will be yours. This should give us joy and make us tremble. Indeed the God we serve is Holy – not the cheapened 'grandpa in the sky' or 'cosmic bellhop waiting to serve us' that so many seem to envision – to their doom I must say. They have crafted their own gods, made to order, to their liking.
God is loving and gracious and yet this is no joke and the Holy and Almighty God we serve is not to be taken lightly. Nor is the cross. We are called to sacrifice all – maybe even to the point of death. But if you understand the gospel, this prospect is not something horrible but instead is a humbling honour.
The world (and even much of the so-called Church) calls this foolishness, madness, fanaticism – an embrace of defeat and despair. And yet through Christ we understand that this world will not last and we are citizens of the New Heavens and Earth which are yet to come. The New Testament even tells us that there will be scoffers and people who will laugh at this notion because so much time has elapsed. They laugh to their doom not understanding that God is being patient and delaying the finishing of all things – because He is merciful and giving them a chance to repent.
Yes, there is evil in the world. Men have brought it on themselves. Would they have God remedy the situation? He will but beware for apart from Christ that day of reconciliation is no day of joy but a day of doom. Those that think they are righteous will find out that they are lost and have rejected Christ. And their mockery only dooms them all the more.
This is not our home and our hope is not here. And thus we trust in Christ. We turn our backs on the world, its death and its lies and we cry out to others to do the same. Repent and put your trust in Christ. Fall on your knees in brokenness. God is gracious and loves to forgive sinners, those who seek Him in purity of heart and in all humility.