28 September 2021

Milley, The Deep State, and the Present Crisis

Is General Milley a traitor? The Trumpites would have you think so. As a Christian my concerns to this end are minimal at best. Let the dead bury their dead. Let the Babylons and the Babylonians scheme and betray one another. Whatever faction is ascendant – it's still Babylon in the end.

And yet there's a concern here on a deeper level because it touches on fundamental understandings of the nature of US government. This is particularly important given the way Evangelical leaders have fused Liberalism with Christianity and have thus generated a series of extra-biblical imperatives regarding citizenship, voting, general participation, capitalist economics, and the like.

The notion of a Deep State is nothing new. All empires have them. They always evolve. Many err in denying its existence. Others err in ascribing too much to Deep State forces and many also wrongly assume that everything down to the last detail is orchestrated. It doesn't work that way. There are always factions and power struggles within the circles of power – all the way up to the top. Figures rise and fall, situations change. In the modern media setting the state has to rely more on spin than it did in centuries past and that itself is something to behold. But there are real surprises and real downfalls. It's not a monolith and thus it could be said that the way the Deep State is conceived by some – it doesn't actually exist. But contrary to the Mainstream narrative, it does. It just must be understood properly.

Does General Milley represent the Deep State? Was he acting as a 'Deep State' agent when he telephoned his Chinese counterpart?

These are not easy or straightforward questions but I can say with a degree of confidence – yes.

As a chief figure in the American military, Milley is certainly plugged into the Deep State. Whether he is a player in control of his own game pieces or whether he is a game piece being manipulated by other more powerful interests or something in-between, is something that can be debated. And it is by no means static. His power can ebb and flow, wax and wane depending on how well he plays the game and who his allies are.

The Trumpites have made much of the Deep State and its actions to counter their agenda and indeed there's something to this. From the standpoint of one who prays for the peace of the city I can look at Milley's actions and say – wow, that's something of a relief. On the other hand when I consider the evil that is the American city and the Establishment that dominates it, the idea that someone like Trump would come along and smash it – well, that hardly brings a tear to my eye.

But I hope you notice the nuance. I'm not for a second signing on with or sympathizing with Trump. By no means. He's simply an acid that's eating away at the foundation. What he represents is no better. In fact in many respects its worse.

Do I lament the fact that America's standing in the world has been knocked down several pegs by four years of Trump's policy? I do not. He did not make America 'great' – whatever that means to the people who say it. He made America weaker than it's been in many decades and certainly more fragmented. The joke is on them.

But he also represented a real danger to civil order – his undermining of the American system in the lead up to the 2020 national election was dangerous and it culminated in the fascist coup attempt that he backed on January 6th. And make no mistake. That's what it was. It's clear the Democrats and their Establishment allies are terrified.  Understanding the present peril to America's global hegemony (and their own fortunes and standing), they want to turn America's energies and anger outward toward China, Russia, and the other nations joining their nascent Anti-western bloc. They fear a true reckoning for Trump and January 6, knowing full well it could plunge the nation into civil war – and America would most likely emerge as something other than the superpower it is at present. America will tear itself apart and when the dust settles it will be second-tier power.

Milley represented forces that were keen to act in light of Trump's actions in the wake of the November 2020 election. The occupant of the White House was a threat to the system and then on January 6, he committed treason. By all rights Trump should be in prison but again, the ramifications of a move on Trump are (at this point in time) almost unthinkable. The domestic situation is that unstable, a point further emphasized by the governors of states like Texas and Florida which continue to openly defy the Biden White House – knowing full well that Biden cannot act. It's not due to incompetence or a lack of will but the precarious situation that is the present US system. This situation has (I think) kept Trump alive thus far. His death would raise questions and lead to insurrection and large-scale social upheaval. The US has not faced this kind of domestic threat since at least the Great Depression if not the Civil War.

Milley was acting to counter Trump at a very dangerous moment and thus in some eyes he's a hero. To be honest his actions were neither unique or all that surprising. Henry Kissinger and Alexander Haig made a similar move during Watergate. Nixon was (in light of the scandal) incompetent and often drunk and he had begun to act and speak in an erratic fashion. His mad-man persona that he wished to communicate to North Vietnam was starting to become more than an act. His aides quietly contacted the Pentagon in an attempt to preempt any order coming from the White House. Was that treason? Some think so. Others think it was treasonous for them not to invoke the twenty-fifth amendment and remove him from office. Such procedures are proper but not always realistic.

The same was true with regard to Reagan. Many of us can recall the discussions regarding his age and competency. It turns out they were well founded. By his second term he was already being affected by dementia and clearly was derelict with regard to his responsibilities. His aides took steps to cover for him and in other cases work around his orders. Were they traitors?

More could be said about Woodrow Wilson, FDR, and some of the international ramifications of their actions, what they hid, and what others did to cover for them or manipulate them.

And perhaps most importantly it needs to be understood that after the Cuban Missile Crisis there has been a concerted effort to keep open back channels. These are pressure-relief valves, a means to avert war and while they defy protocol few would question their import and even necessity.

It's complicated. Milley knows that the US is on a trajectory for conflict with China but as a general he would hate to have that time and circumstance dictated by the likes of a feckless incompetent like Trump who cares nothing for America or for the lives of others. The recent revelations of Trump's response to 9/11 only further emphasize this fact. He was merely excited that his building would move up in the rankings and status of the Manhattan skyline. An extreme sociopath he is incapable of empathy and while many American presidents have been monstrous murderers the potential for death and destruction under the likes of Trump was hitherto unprecedented.

Milley should (in light of the revelations) offer his resignation and it would be up to Biden as to whether or not it would be accepted. It's hard to argue (given the circumstances) that his actions were treasonous. He's an evil man who has participated in dark deeds and murder. No Christian to be sure, but a traitor to the United States? On the contrary he's a patriot. That's not a compliment, it's just a fact.

That said, the episode does point to a clear instance of the Deep State at work. Yes, that's one of the ways that it functions. One wonders how many phone calls were made to Milley before he picked up the phone and called Beijing? That would be enlightening to say the least. But all things considered it's no surprise and in this particular case we might (from a Providential Common Grace standpoint) even be thankful that such mechanisms work.

There are Deep State factions aligned with Trump too – a point his followers don't seem to realise. Again, it's not monolithic nor is it all powerful. There are forces within the American Establishment that find Trump convenient – something of a useful idiot. The same thing happened with the likes of Mussolini and Hitler and their ascent to power. Later some of these same vested forces found themselves divested of power or knocked down a few pegs – or even destroyed. They gambled, tried to harness the power of these energized movements and their demagogic leaders but found it was too much.

Trump has powerful interests behind him in the Pentagon – a point Milley would know full well and I believe played a role in his decision to preemptively act. Trump also has powerful friends on Wall Street, the Evangelical world (which has its own Deep State) and among the very powerful and influential Israel lobby. Trump played the 'outsider' card but that's always been something of a sham. He had powerful allies within the Establishment and still does.

The truth is there's ugliness all around and things have been especially bad over the past decade or so – and it has gotten a lot worse under Trump and in particular during the final months of his presidency. And now nine months into the Biden era, it's getting uglier. The US is fragmenting and we're going to see an epic struggle for power. At this point in time it doesn't matter what the truth is – not to the people invested in this. It's a dog-eat-dog fight and no quarter will be given. The goal has nothing to do with character or integrity, truth or legality, ideals or values. It's just an ugly and brutal war for power and at some point the shooting will start. And because the Church has aligned itself with this system and its struggles, the lies, deceit, theft, murder, and all the rest are (as we speak) being poured into the Church. That's why whether we like it or not, are interested or not – we must (to some degree) pay attention. Theological Trumpism is the current and most potent vehicle for Evangelical apostasy. The heretical seeds planted decades ago are bearing a viable fruit – but it is rotten, ungodly and in some cases pure evil. With Christ on their lips they cry Lord, Lord but do not do the things God has said. They come in Christ's name but they do not know Him.

Milley is neither a hero nor a traitor. He's a general in service of Babylon. Take it for what you will. When the praetorians (Rome's deep state) cut down Caligula did the Christians rejoice? Did they approve of their deeds? Of course not. But did they lament the fall of Caligula or perhaps Aurelian? I highly doubt it but that's a far cry from endorsement. All the real problems arose in the wake of Constantine when all of the sudden the Christians had a stake in the politics and participated in its intrigues, betrayals, and violence. That's where things stand at present and that's why so many Christians (or more properly Christo-Americans) are upset by the actions of Milley. Their loyalty isn't to Christ or even America anymore. For many of them it's simply a messianic loyalty to Trump and a visceral hatred of anyone who obstructs or opposes him. Many of these people have become all but unreachable. It's been a startling thing to witness. Words like 'strong delusion' come to mind.

As I've repeatedly said, I do not lament America's downgrade and demotion on the international state. It's an evil empire dripping in blood and sitting on a pile of stolen gold. That said, its fall might (in the end) prove even more destructive and that's nothing that we as Christians should get excited about. When its day has ended – then it will end. It makes no difference to us – we who are citizens of Zion. Regardless, we'll praise God and press on toward the mark. America's destiny is to burn along with all the other works of men. I will not emotionally invest myself in its ebbs and flows but I will watch and understand – and try and understand what it all means for the Church.

I can say this with confidence. The two decades since 9/11 have been an unmitigated disaster for American Christianity. Events that should not have affected the Church have had a profound and transformative impact on it because of the heresy and treachery which reigns in Christian circles. Sold out to mammon and the American Babylon, Church leaders have deeply invested the Church in the wars and struggles for the American empire. Great evil and ugliness was revealed and unleashed with the rise of Barack Obama and it set the Church on a trajectory that resulted in Donald Trump. Christian values and ethics have collapsed and are in a state of free-fall. The horrific egomaniacal politically driven response by American Christians to the Covid-19 episode was exacerbated by these other factors and it revealed the deep cancers already advanced and at work within the Church. Words like apostasy are taking on a new relevance. Worldliness reigns in the Church's Trumpite factions and also in those that oppose him. In every way the world's categories and values dominate. The styles are different but the substance is the same. Mammon is truly the American god and the idol of the false religion of Christo-Americanism. The situation is dire.

Lines have been crossed and I don't see how some of these things can be undone or remedied. It's time to watch closely, pray, and read the Scriptures through faithful eyes – rooted in the eschatological Christ, not the American moment.