I already alluded to this in another recent post but it is
noteworthy. Evangelical leaders recently gathered in Texas in an attempt to
reach a consensus regarding which candidate to support in the 2012 US
Presidential bid. The result after the final tally...the Roman Catholic Rick
This would have been unthinkable back in the days of the
Moral Majority and Christian Coalition. But in the early 1990's Charles Colson,
the reformed felon of the Nixon administration went to work bringing Roman
Catholics and Protestants together into a new framework...ECT (Evangelicals and
Catholics Together)
They decided to lay aside doctrinal differences and work
together to preserve and transform American society. What had previously been a
Protestant Sacral model now became a broader Western model today often identified as
There have been many critics. Some have condemned Colson's
compromise with Rome, others have condemned this 'broad' Christian society
notion arguing instead for a narrower more patently Protestant version. Very
few critique the very notion or premise itself, which is the real problem driving the project
being undertaken by Colson and his kind.
If I were a Sacralist and envisioned recovering or
transforming America into some kind of Christian super-state, then it would be
unthinkable to join hands with Roman Catholics. I would view it as both a
betrayal of the gospel and the thousands who suffered at the hand of the Papacy
throughout history, a Papacy which has not repented or improved doctrinally. If
anything Roman Catholic theology is even worse than what Luther encountered in
the early sixteenth century.
The fact that a bunch of Baptists, Charismatics, and others
have aligned themselves with a Papist (Santorum) denotes a massive shift in thinking and strategy.
It's interesting though...for all their success, the culture
continues to slip away from them. Santorum can't seem to get any traction
outside of places like Iowa. These folks
are reaching out and grasping for power, but just as they are taking hold...it's
slipping away from them. Their segment is becoming more consolidated, but
society at large is rejecting them.
Praise the Lord.
Does this
mean I want Romney to be president? No.
Obama to be re-elected? No.
Obama to be re-elected? No.
Ron Paul?
No, not him either, but at least he wouldn't drop bombs.
I have no hope in any of these figures of power. They're all
handed over to do evil, but from a Kingdom perspective, someone like Santorum
or Gingrich represents a threat that someone like Romney or Obama does not. The
meeting in Texas the other day proves this...a group which purports to
represent the Gospel of Jesus Christ by their very name (Evangelicals) decided
the best move for the pseudo-kingdom they would create is to ally with one who
prays to Mary, reveres the Satanic blasphemer in the Vatican as the 'Holy Father', and
believes money can free souls from punishment. Not to mention he's a statist
with a borderline totalitarian understanding of government...'getting into our
bedrooms' as he recently said...and is a militarist who has all but said he
would start a war with Iran.
Basically Santorum who loves scaring people with the term
Islamo-fascism (parading his ignorance) is actually the closest thing we have
right now to an actual Fascist (think Franco of Spain) running for president. And
this is who the Evangelicals have decided to align with. If it were 1933 in
Germany, these same deluded and evil fools would have supported Adolph Hitler.
I don't doubt it for one second. They recoil in horror when you suggest it, as
Church leaders would have in 1933 if someone had told them what Hitler would
do. It may seem a harsh judgment but it's called for.
I would encourage anyone attending a building where this
evil (Christo-American Evangelicalism) is being promoted from the pulpit to get
up...and run for the exit. It's not a Church of Jesus Christ. Can I say such a
thing? That would include a massive number of 'Bible Believing' Evangelical
If Colson is a champagne drinker he probably uncorked a
bottle over the weekend. For those familiar with the long history of Jesuit
Conspiracy Theories in Protestant circles...Colson almost gives validity to
some of these stories! My goodness if the Jesuits were ever going to unleash a
secret agent upon Protestantism, I can't imagine someone more effective than
Colson. If he isn't in league with them, then they should at least send him a
donation. For many years, I have and continue to refer to him as...the Jesuit.
It's truly amazing. Even our local "Christian"
radio station, the so-called Family Life Network frequently reports on Catholic
news...the shutting down of Churches, big donations made to a diocese...they'll
even talk to priests on occasion. What a change! This was not happening on
Protestant radio stations a generation ago. Thank you Mr. Colson for your
amazing feat. In twenty years you succeeded in completely undermining most of
the small segment of Biblical Christianity that was left in this country. But
since, most of these folks had already sold their souls to the American mammon-Idol, I
guess it's no surprise that Nietzsche's thinking took root...that which does
not kill me, makes me stronger.
In the end, it's all about power. That's all Colson has ever
been about. Like Gollum, he's after the Ring of Power. And the quest leaves them twisted, spiritually emaciated, broken, and grotesque.