07 October 2021

Covid and False Gospels


This is the hour of deceived deceivers. If every dog has his day, this is the hour for those who have embraced quack medicine and have (via their sorceries) created a toxic brew that is deceiving people in terms of the gospel and in this case is literally causing people to lose their lives.

Following the Anti-Covid craze I have found that among the critics my 'thirds' rule generally applies once again to most of these pundits and teachers. About a third of what is said is true, about a third is true or partly so but distorted and miscontextualised to such an extent that what's presented is in the end false. And finally about a third of the information out there is just plain false.

This is not to say that everything flowing from government and media mouthpieces is true. By no means would I suggest that. But the nature and intent of Covid misinformation from these outlets is different. In many cases it errs in the other direction.* 

What's happening in Right-wing and Christian-Right circles is (to put it another way) a mix of truth, misinformation, and blatant disinformation.

There are conspiracies out there. History and current events are full of them. The fact that the government and the corporate media have lost any semblance of control of the narrative is largely their own fault. They've lied in abundance and often and the social consensus and basic public trust have broken down.

The problem is the same sceptical public is also more ignorant than ever and driven by erroneous ideology and the media it has made them malleable and easily manipulated by the powerful monied forces that would use them. As such they've fallen prey to not merely conspiracies but ridiculous and absurd fantasies, disinformation, and propaganda that have no basis in history or reality.

The Establishment media is having a field day with this. If you doubt the Warren Commission, then undoubtedly you're of one mind with QAnon adherents who are looking for reptilians among us. It's insulting but sobriety, decency, and any notion of truth have been abandoned. It's all about raw power and both sides of the political spectrum are willing to lie with abandon.**

And let's face it, when it comes to Trump, many of his followers are not adherents, fans, or supporters. They're believers and cult-followers. They're not committed to ideals as much as they are committed to Donald Trump. How this is 'conservative' is anyone's guess.

Or in other cases they are merely partisans. They hate the Democrats – which is fine by me, but they should then hate the Republicans too. And so because of their hate of the Democratic Party they have cut off their nose to spite their face and have thrown in with something even worse.

In reference to the linked article, figures like Tenpenny masquerade as Christians but what she really is a Christian Nationalist or Christo-American – in other words a syncretist, a promoter of heresy and another religion. Christianity is merely a gloss or vehicle for her true religion which is a kind of tribalist mammon-driven Americanism.

New Testament doctrine and certainly its ethics are foreign to her and she is in fact hostile to them. Her popularity (and those like her) only testifies to the dangerous and degenerate state of American Evangelical Christianity. Her unregenerate mind cannot even grasp a concept like mortification and the idea that we don't live for ourselves. Confusing the Enlightenment regime of 'rights' and narratives about 'tyranny' and America's 'greatness', not to mention a contrived and historical narrative rooted in an anti-Christian historiography, she cannot grasp that as Christians we are called to something very different, very foreign to all of her Americanist intuitions.

As far as 'sort of' Christians, she would do well to look in the mirror. She has confused a myriad of outside loyalties with her supposed allegiance to Christ – whom she clearly does not know. She is an every way a 'sort of' Christian, in other words no Christian at all. She needs to be called to repentance and put of the Church.

Knowing the tree by its fruit we can see the putrid result of her thought – a result that is hurting people and granting occasion for the world to blaspheme and hate the Church – not for the gospel but for those who have confused the gospel and the Kingdom with power and mammon in the world. It's sad to behold.

The 'false witness' anti-mask argument utilised in the article is not only ridiculous but it is literally bearing false witness against the clear commands of Scripture. Even if I believed the mask to be worthless (which is contrary to all evidence) it is not sinful to wear one. You can make an Enlightenment-rooted ethics case on a libertarian basis for the 'tyranny' of the mask. However as Christians we rely upon the teachings of Christ and the apostles and on that basis there's no viable reason to refuse to comply with local ordinances to that end. Besides if it in any way helps to restrict the spread of the disease we should be the first people to wear them, without hesitation or complaint. The anti-mask arguments utilised by many Christians are in fact rooted in sinful thought, rebellious intent, and in sheer disobedience to God's commands.

Again I cannot overstate the tragedy of the fact that people like this (deceived deceivers) are able to gain massive followings, but tragic or not it's something we're told to expect in this present evil age which is characterised by those who have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof.

I know there are other voices in theologically conservative circles that are opposed to the likes of Tenpenny and the wider spectrum of those like her. Where are their voices? It is a sad moment that one has to turn to the likes of feminist Evangelical Julie Roys to find these blatantly false teachers called to account and receiving the condemnation they deserve and the condemnation that needs to be proclaimed to the larger church.

I hope the reticence and resounding silence that dominates many conservative Evangelical and Confessional quarters is not due to the fact that Church leaders know their congregations are full of people like Tenpenny or not all that far removed from her views. I hope they will address the full spectrum of these issues having enough foresight to realise that these are cancers within their congregations that are going to become manifest soon enough, cancers that are dangerous, will spread, and yes, metastasize. I hope they are not silent merely to protect the cash flow and their incomes. If their entry into ecclesiastical service was motivated by Middle Class concerns like stability, respectability and lifestyle-comfort they need to know that they stand condemned and will answer for it at the Throne of God.

And many more of these shepherds are (I know) more or less on board with Tenpenny's kind of thinking. I pity their flocks.

In the end I remain surprised that few seem willing to entertain the fact that we should expect pandemics and disease. Of course American society (and the apostate Church that is largely indistinguishable from it) are going to fall under judgment. The world is broken and under curse. The New Testament expectation of This Age is more akin to a dystopia than some kind of earth-manifested Zion. And that's been the case throughout Church history. It's a tale of Beasts and apostasy, of defections, and false Zions – and an army of false shepherds to vindicate and promote it all.

But the mammon-driven Church won't hear it. They literally hate the Kingdom Christ reveals in the Gospels. They won't hear that this age is one of suffering, tears, and persecution. The Church is called to the wilderness life, but they won't have it. And so while I am personally surprised that up to this point our modern society hasn't experienced more pandemics and worse, when a relatively mild one arrives, it quickly exposes where people's hearts are at. It was like a headlamp exposing the rottenness within the Evangelical and Confessional Church, the disease that's been festering for more than a generation. It's been eye-opening to be sure. And it's tragic because so many have died unnecessarily. Deceit and selfishness reign and false teachers like Tenpenny flourish in this dark hour. The Evangelical airwaves are filled with this kind of deceit not to mention FOX – which is virtually the oracle of modern Right-wing Christianity.***

I know one thing. This is only the beginning and it's clear that God is sending strong delusion upon not just the West but the world-compromised Church. It's happened before and it's happening now.


*At times the government and Mainstream Media have attempted to downplay the risks. In other cases you have (for example) Biden saying around 4 July 2021, 'Take off your masks,' with the hope that it would lead to further vaccinations and a momentum rooted in boosted morale. It failed because those opposed to masks were in many cases also opposed to vaccinations. And in time it became clear that the easing up was disastrous and opened the door to the Delta variant's proliferation.

Or one thinks back to the 2020 outbreak of the pandemic and how American officials were trying to downplay it – knowing full that it was a pending crisis. While the Trump CDC was taking it lightly, those who watch real news and pay attention to the world outside the United States realised that what was happening in places like Italy was something very serious indeed. And it was also clear that it was coming to the United States. Its arrival was inevitable.

There has been confusion over children in school and the policies to that end. The truth is that it's not safe for children to be in school or for the public at large but closing schools and going back to remote learning has become highly undesirable in the eyes of Wall Street and much of the economic Establishment. They're engaged in a cold kind of calculus. People will die and have died and it's a price they are more than willing to pay to keep the economy moving.

And the Biden administration and its media allies have shamefully and actively sought to rekindle the Wuhan Lab myth – a politicisation of Covid in an attempt to gain some anti-China traction out of it. The disease was not born in a lab and if it was some kind of conspiracy to take down America – then the architects should be fired. What a failure and in the end the greatest harm has not come from the pandemic in itself but in the terrible degenerate response of the American public.

For those who argue it's some kind of combined plot between the Democrats and Beijing in order to destroy the middle class (or some variation thereof) – they're delusional and their reasoning is not rooted in or in contact with basic reality. They clearly do not understand how the world works. Are the Democrats capable of evil? To be sure. Is Beijing? Of course. But the proposed plot lacks any credible evidence and it is at a most basic level incoherent. The millionaires who run the DNC are not looking to lose what they have and see their assets liquidated and their power stripped away. They may be evil but they're not insane – but those who suggest this theory are perhaps worthy of the label.

This is further exemplified in the schizophrenia over the China-Covid narrative. When China is evoked then Covid is real and very dangerous. But apart from that narrative it's unremarkable, a variation of the seasonal flu or by some estimations a complete fiction. Which is it? You cannot have it both ways.

The truth is it's a deadly disease and the 700,000 American dead is not an inflated number including all manner of deaths – a piece of disinformation spread by the Right. On the contrary the number is most certainly low.

**Witness the recent debacle over the debt ceiling and the Right's rage at Mitch McConnell – who is apparently not Right-wing enough! He cut a deal to temporarily raise the debt ceiling so the US wouldn't default on its debts. It's clear that the FOX-Christian Right nexus wanted the Democrats to raise the ceiling alone – so they could be blamed for the country's fiscal woes. Or they were also more than willing for the US to default and take a huge hit internationally and economically so that they could score points against the Democrats and win next year's mid-term elections. They are literally willing to harm the country so they can score political points. I'm not a patriot by any means but if I were I wouldn't call that a patriotic political strategy. I would call it subversive, self-serving, and dangerous.

*** The volume of disinformation is just incredible. Most of it can be debunked within just a few minutes. But Christian leaders and radio shows keep promoting this filth – endless lies about tens of thousands dying from the vaccine. Some even suggest it's a 'genocidal' campaign. The attempt to vaccinate people against a deadly disease is an attempt at genocide. What do you even say to such people? And these same people turn a blind eye to war and justify an economic system that breeds war and literally kills people and whole societies. The degree of delusion has erected an impenetrable and unassailable Trumpian wall. I don't how to reach these people.

The leaders of the world are certainly an evil lot but this is just beyond the pale and irresponsible. It's not even rational and instead demonstrates that these teachers and 'ministry leaders' are ignorant of the Scriptures and even the basics of how the world and its political economic systems work. It just beggars belief. It's a case of the blind leading the blind and increasingly I believe it must be called what it is – Judgment.