As is already clear in the historical record, reflections and fallout from the Second Trump Impeachment are producing a wide array of opinions and narratives. There is no agreement and the entire episode (along with the January 6 event that precipitated it) will remain shrouded in partisan fog.
The attempt by Pelosi and the Democratic leadership to reduce
Trump and effectively exclude him from future politicking failed and in
hindsight appears to be a case of political overreach. One certain conclusion
is that it has fueled Right-wing rage and has spurred a new chapter of
politicisation and hypocrisy that seemingly knows no bounds.
The present campaign being waged against New York governor
Andrew Cuomo is a case in point. His sin in the nursing home debacle was not
sending infected elderly patients back to nursing homes but the fact that he
tried to cover up the numbers. It was a case of triage. They were in most cases
going to die and the hospitals had no room to accommodate them – especially
given that the accepted (if somewhat brutal) triage ethic demanded an attempt
to save those with a greater chance of survival. Was it an ideal move? Of
course not, but those were desperate days.
But the Republicans at the time opposed the shutting down of
the economy and consistently argued that old people who died from Covid were
'old anyway' and that commerce shouldn't stop in order to protect them and the
most vulnerable members of society. It was a categorical rejection of their
so-called pro-life ethic and if anything the fact that Cuomo sent these people
to nursing homes, freeing up hospital beds – should have earned their praise.
It reflected the same kind of utilitarian ethics they were spouting during the
spring and summer of 2020. But now they're using this episode as an occasion to
wage an aggressive campaign against the governor and accuse him of dereliction
and criminal obfuscation.
Now mind you all of this is in the backdrop of their support
for a president who did next to nothing as hundreds of thousands died.
Abdicating responsibility, making dismissive jokes, suggesting people inject
bleach and the like, their president certainly has the blood of hundreds of
thousands on his hands – but nothing is said.
Cuomo is being called to resign because of sexual harassment
claims – claims which remain controversial and in some cases suspicious. For my
part I don't doubt he's sleazy and a power-mad womaniser. But for the GOP and
the Right to criticise him in this regard is outrageous. They have no moral
standing. They supported Trump who had dozens of women accusing him, was caught
bragging about his immoral conduct, and he was also exposed more than once in covering
up his deeds and infidelities. The FOX/GOP/Christian Right complex has already
indicated (by both word and deed) that these are non-issues in terms of
politics and thus in terms of morality or political accountability they have
nothing to say. Again, they have no standing.
But in a case of brazen hypocrisy, they're going after Cuomo?
Again for my part, I can't stand Andrew Cuomo but even worse I cannot stand the
deceit coming from the Right (and Christian Radio) that is directed against
Additionally they are going after Biden for calling Texan
leaders Neanderthals in their lifting of all Covid restrictions. They've
accused him of being un-presidential. Are these serious people? From 2015 to
the present they have defended and covered for Donald Trump who has made some
of the most outrageous statements of any president in history. He has insulted
people, made a mockery of institutions and smashed all protocols and sense of decency
and decorum. They have no standing to attack Biden or any of his statements –
prudent or not.
And I'm sorry to report the Christian sector has proven to be
most hypocritical in this regard and their actions stink to the highest heaven.
I can say with no doubt that the American Evangelical movement is under
judgment and is for the most part a false Church that is sold out to mammon and
power, and knows nothing and cares nothing for Christ or His Holy Kingdom. The
agents of Satan dominate the Christian airwaves and many pulpits. I wish that
was an exaggeration but it's not.
Regarding the Trump affair, both sides continue to engage in
spin. The Democrats have made much over the fact that some of the Republicans
joined them in the campaign to impeach Trump.
Pelosi has called for a commission regarding January 6,
knowing full well that such commissions reveal nothing and solve even less.
Already the Republicans are spinning the question with Lindsey Graham suggesting
that the Democrats knew of the attack ahead of time. In other words, it was
either permitted to happen or a false flag attack.
I have no problem believing in false flag attacks utilised by
the US government even though in today's climate an outlet like NPR or the BBC
will disingenuously and deceitfully equate such arguments with a rejection of
the moon landing. However, as a student of history I know better and I know
what the US government is capable of and has done in the past.
That said, I do not believe January 6 was a false flag. I
think if the DNC, the Establishment, or whomever wanted to use such an event to
attack and remove Donald Trump – they probably would have moved a little sooner
than January 6, a date after the election and so late in the term that nothing
effective could be done in that time frame. A false flag at that late date
makes little to no sense. The risk outweighs the reward.
It's kind of like the accusation that Putin poisoned Alexei
Navalny or the Skripals. If he really wanted to kill him don't you think they
would have figured that out? Apparently these Russian poisoners aren't very
effective. This is even while the media trumpets their prowess and notoriety in
this regard. Apparently they're incompetent. I'm sure the fallout from these
events is just what Putin wanted – failed poisoning attempts that are being
used by Western media and governments to blacken his name and attack his
regime. And then you'd think that after the Skripal affair (assuming the
mainstream narrative) that he would have made sure his people got it right with
Navalny! The narrative is not only suspicious but it increasingly beggars
And yet if you even question the official narrative then
undoubtedly you're a paid agent for Moscow or perhaps you're one of those who
think that Biden and Obama are secret reptilians.
Conspiracies are real enough – but people forget they do have
to have some basis in reality and they have to make some kind of sense in terms
of risk and benefit by those who would perpetrate them.
We must conclude that the DNC response to January 6 is not
part of some plot but is instead a flawed knee-jerk reaction. In some respects
the Pelosi moves represent desperate and perhaps even wishful tactics – that
the whole congress in a great emotional wave would suddenly come together and
condemn Trump. It didn't happen and even much of the outrage died out within
about a week. In other respects the moves were token and symbolic but
ultimately empty.
At this point many would agree it was a miscalculation. But
it's worse as it turned into something of a whitewash and cover-up that lacked
any substance.
This became evident when the Democrats refused to call any
witnesses – including those that could actually provide evidence that Trump
knew what was happening, did not seek to restrain it – but in fact supported
Why would the Democrats do this? Because once again, the
campaign against Trump has always operated within very narrow confines. This
was certainly true of the Mueller investigation. A true probe and inquiry would
risk blowing up the system as too much would be revealed – including not only
the dirty misdeeds of Donald Trump but of the corruption and deceit within the
entire political order.
The end result is theatre. It's a contest, but limited with
the real fight going on behind the scenes.
For Pelosi's part, her move represents a flawed strategy and
inept leadership. She has given a gift to Donald Trump, a martyr-card he can
play and use to spin events – as he is even now.
Thankfully his 2020 defeat has removed some of the messianic
aura given to him by many on the Right and many Evangelicals. But his story
hasn't ended and his movement will continue to tear the Church apart.