02 July 2022

Feeling Better About America

Visiting a church last Sunday I wasn't terribly surprised when there was mention of the Dobbs v. Jackson case and the overturning of the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. Evangelicals are celebrating this ruling and several others that have come down at the conclusion of the Supreme Court's recent 2021-2022 term.

Though when talking with people I also find that many don't quite understand the nature of the ruling and what it means and how in many respects there's no reason to believe that there will in fact be fewer abortions.

But what struck me that day was how the man leading the services was all grins – he was literally jubilant over the decision. He wasn't alone in expressing a hope that the laws of the land would reflect Christian values. It was evident that on that Sunday he was feeling good about America, what it is, and what it stands for, and he's filled with hope that a new page has been turned and that better days are ahead.

While he was triumphant I was filled with aggravation and burdened by his attitude and even more by the assumptions behind it. Confusion reigns in the Evangelical mind and there are grievous errors at the most fundamental of levels. And then while discussing the court's ruling, right on cue all the pronoun confusion came sweeping in – conflating and combining the 'us' and 'we' of the Church with the 'us' and 'we' of America. This represents theological error on multiple levels and as opponents of this view have been arguing for decades and even centuries such sacral confusion undermines and ultimately overthrows key elements of New Testament theology. But it's most destructive aspect is the way it eats away at and eventually consumes Biblical ethics. Pride, mammon, the coercive violent power of the state, not to mention politics, war, and questions of loyalty – all of the things (so critical to questions of state and notions of citizenship) are at complete odds with New Testament expectations and imperatives.

In addition to the theological and ethical confusion that fueled this man's jubilation we must add a heavy dose of mythology – cultural and theological mythology concerning America's origins, what it means and stands for, the nature of its ideology, and certainly its history.

Not merely heretical, these views are dangerous because of the role they play in spawning the present fog of confusion – obscuring the real history of the nation. As such, these nationalist and Evangelical-nationalist myths foster deceit and ultimately a form of delusion. Such self-deception has to be viewed in terms of judgment as people lose their ability to interact with real questions or hear (let alone comprehend) an alternative. Reason and conscience all but shut down. Even the Scriptures are a closed book to them. Their loyalty is insurmountable and sadly many have confused this loyalty to flag and nation, kith and kin, ideal and myth with the authority of Scripture, the Kingdom it presents, and their Christian calling to take up the cross and follow Christ.

It's interesting as well to note how the aggressive programme (that is even now being pursued) is likely to lead to authoritarian measures – invasive surveillance of personal data, a system of informers, possibly bounty seekers, and a brutal enforcement and judicial scheme to back it up. In order to police and regulate pharmaceuticals, travel, and personal data, algorithms and other investigative measures will be employed to monitor the lives of pregnant women, their travel, communications with doctors (potentially out of state), their mail and online activity, friends and so forth. In other words a 'Big Brother' authoritarian regime will be implemented in many of these states, or at least that's the direction things are headed – and it's coming together rather quickly as the movement is eager to cement its victories. So much for personal liberty, and one wonders if this won't drive a wedge between the more libertarian minded factions within the GOP and the larger (and often indistinguishable) Far Right, Evangelical, and Trumpite sectors of the movement and those who are increasingly embracing a fascistic mindset and strategy in order to control the country. 

Right or wrong in terms of the abortion issue, such a draconian approach represents an anti-liberal rejection of what America (again right or wrong) was supposed to be about anyway. It's ironic that the America-Constitutional narratives are re-written in order to justify these actions and somehow wed them to the larger Christo-American narrative. In other respects one could argue it's just another chapter in the great lie of America and its tendency toward self-deception about its own nature and history. Its democracy has always been something of a farce and the nation's history is dominated by oligarchic concerns. This would be no different and would also be in keeping with its gradual but deliberate drift into authoritarianism.

Regardless, we must again emphasize that whether we generically speak of American values, the system of rights, the notion of consent of the governed, and even democracy, the free market, and cultural definitions of citizenship and success, or the pending authoritarian apparatus that seeks to impose and enforce its views (while also waving the flag) on an unwilling public – at a basic level both views (and indeed the entire spectrum of Americanist political thought) represent a rejection of New Testament theology, vocation, and ethics. To embrace these views and to participate in these paradigms (and thus endorse them) is to reject our pilgrim status, the expectation of persecution, and our call to cross bearing. It is to disenfranchise others and persecute them – supposedly in the name of the Kingdom. It is to confuse the New Testament call to make disciples of the nations and to love neighbour with the Judaizing Dominionist task of rule and coercion. This is where the gospel at the point of a gun comes into play – evangelising while the Church chains people and puts them in cages, or even executes them, a message that doesn't go very well with love, forgiveness, and mercy, a message wholly incompatible with a paradigm that's about power, pride, and status pursued by the sword and the coin. This is one reason among many why America's war and gun culture is antithetical to the ethos of the New Testament.

For the regular folks, the American Dream and the quest for middle class status and even the modicum of power that it implies are rooted in mammon and the pursuit of mammon always resorts to the use of violence to suppress and silence others. This is the task of the ruling class which the middle class relies on. It's a rotten scheme all the down the line.

This is why I can be happy that (maybe) fewer babies will be killed but I cannot share in the church leader's bliss. For his joy is not rooted in truth but in a distorted gospel and frankly in a pernicious form of idolatry that is given to gold, guns, respect – and let's face it, the sheer joy of being able to walk down the street with one's head held high, secure and proud, a feeling of status, entitlement, and security that is meant to intimidate others who might oppose it. Many of these folks just want to feel good about America and being American.

How is this Christian? It isn't. There's nothing to celebrate. Instead we should weep and howl, we should lament such victories (so-called) for they give a false hope and will produce evil all in the name of good. The confusion means the enemy is able to set up his banners in the sanctuary. There will be more evil alliances, schemes, deceit, self-deceit, and violence.

This weekend connected to July 4, along with the recent Evangelical 'victories' in the culture war will mean that most Church services will be little more than idol-fests and the pulpits will resonate with lies and the twisting of Scriptural truths. The pews will be packed because the people love to have it so and love to have their ears tickled. They too want to 'feel good' about America, feel vindicated in their life and lifestyles. The pulpits will ring with 'peace, peace,' all is well, God's face is shining on their efforts and status. America's culture with all its idolatry and mammonist filth and violence is vindicated. Feel good about America!

But it's not peace because the faithful are driven out. Sunday July 3, 2022 is a day that the faithful must stay home and stay away. I will not bow to their flag, sing their songs, and revel in their sanctified Beast. It's a day of lies and darkness.

You can have your America, an empire of painted rust, a perfumed cesspool that seeks to mask its filth and rot.

And they are delusional. America is a nation breaking apart, an empire in decline and they are accelerating its fragmentation and fall. Maybe it will collapse or maybe (like Rome) something else will emerge. The name may continue but under a different polity and set of ideals.

In faith I understand that the powers that be are ordained by God. It matters little what beast power I live under. They all stand for the same thing in the end. They're all part of the same Hydra-Beast witnessed in Revelation. But the schemers, liars, and the killers who capture power and then say it was God's will – be careful, for the prophets judge such and though Providence may use fools and the wicked – they are still held to account. And then there's the other imagery in Revelation, the bride turned whore that rides the Beast – an image of apostasy, an image very much on my mind and one that haunts my thoughts.

The church leader may feel joy for America but it's only because he has turned his back on Christ. He ought to lament because the Church is in a state of disintegration and apostasy. In the poison miasma of its corruption, its gates and watchtowers have been abandoned and the agents of Gehenna are in its midst. They dominate the pulpits while others sit in positions of worldly power. Worldliness prevails on almost every front. They think they're winning when the gangrene of their heresy has brought them to the point of death.

Smile away fool. Glory in your shame. You delusion and ignorance may be bliss and sweetness but it will turn bitter. I will tear my clothes and live in dust and ashes.

And I tremble for if these folks really attain the power they seek they will persecute those who oppose them but there will be a special wrath appointed to those who oppose them on the basis of New Testament Christianity, those who decry them Bible in hand. All counterfeit Sacralist polities fear Biblically based dissent more than anything else. But at this point one has to wonder if there will be a resistance as there are seemingly very few who grasp these critical points. Let's hope there are at least seven thousand who refuse to bow the knee to the Christo-American Baal.