15 September 2018

American Evangelicalism, China and all things Eurasia (Part 2)

But perhaps the biggest and most destructive force is not found among the corrupt and ignorant leaders of American Evangelicalism. No, the worst offenders and enemies of the Kingdom of Truth (with regard to China) are found among the dissident Chinese who have sold out to become agents of the American Beast. 'God's Double Agent' as Bob Fu likes to call himself immediately comes to mind.

Apart from the obvious disappointments in Bob Fu's endorsement of Campus Crusade's bogus gospel presentation and potentially destructive Word-denying evangelistic methods such as 'The Jesus Film', Fu presents himself as 'God's Double Agent', a heroic advocate for Chinese Christianity. It would be far more accurate to refer to him as 'America's Agent'. His 2013 book seems to have been crafted specifically for an American audience, even (embarrassingly at times) pandering to Western stereotypes about the Chinese.
I feel compelled to say it again... Who will deny the evil of the Beijing government and its persecution of Christians? And yet, to understand why Beijing is the way it is, the history must be reckoned with, something Fu has no interest in doing and in fact seems to dismiss it, embracing a Western narrative when dealt with at all. Why would Maoist China want Protestant congregations to function within the Three-Self Patriotic (TSPM) apparatus? The reasons (though theologically unacceptable) are obvious and yet Fu's great umbrage seems to flow primarily from what he perceives to be the TSPM's Anti-Americanism.
I was disheartened to read not only of the influence of Dominionist thought on Fu and his associates but the persistent politicisation of the Church and attempts to litigate every battle. Reading his book, I found little cause to wonder at Beijing's opposition to him and their fear of the Underground Church. Don't misunderstand me. The gospel will always be offensive and governments like the present day authoritarian-oligarchical regime that rules China will always hate Biblical Christianity but in this case Fu and those like him are giving Beijing reason to fear.
They are openly advocating for the transformation of not only Chinese culture but its political order and they do this hand-in-hand with US political forces and whatever other Western dominated internationalist organisations they can recruit. Frankly they give credibility to Beijing's accusations about foreign influence, collaboration and the potential for a fifth column.
It was hard not to be repulsed at Fu's near messianic devotion directed toward 'leader of the free world' George W. Bush, even while ignoring his lies, violence and overall agenda of blood and moral degradation. Bush's professed Christianity must be reckoned as obscene by anyone governed by New Testament doctrine. Fu misleads not only his readers but the Christians of China with regard to American Christianity and the professed religion of its many 'Evangelical' politicians.
Fu, represents the worst forms of 'Going down to Egypt for help' and has done so in collaboration with organisations like the Voice of the Martyrs. The latter (also known as VOM) has undeniably done some good around the world and provides a platform for persecuted Christians to speak. Contrary to both Evangelical and Confessionalist forms of Prosperity Theology, VOM embraces the call to take up the cross and yet schizophrenically is also willing to work hand-in-hand with the centres of US power and seems eager at times to use American might to back up its agenda.
Either these leaders are disqualified in failing to understand what they're doing and the contradictions they have embraced or they have willingly blinded themselves with regard to what calling on the United States means in terms of geopolitics. They are calling on the most powerful military and economic empire in world history to come to the aid of the Church by means of threatening other nations with punitive action.
The United States, contrary to the perceptions of the American public is known as a warmongering and violent nation, one which overthrows governments, bombs with impunity and pursues aggressive policies in order to promote its financial markets and strategic goals. In many of these countries, apart from certain elite classes that have ties to the American apparatus, the United States government is often loathed and feared. American culture is seductive to be sure and yet its power is menacing. It is a strange and perverse spectacle to observe the morally compromised, decadent and corrupt Western Church call upon the diplomatic and military might of the Empire to fight its battles, all the more when it is confused about its own identity and has in many instances confounded Church and nation. These same ecclesiastical leaders who feed off the American system, that in many cases has placed Third World populations in difficulty, the system that has fomented the wars and social strife, now presume to speak with moral authority and call on (what can only be described in Biblical terms) bestial powers to promote, protect and defend the Church of God? Something is amiss.
This is in complete opposition to both the explicit doctrine and certainly the ethos of the New Testament. It actually gives occasion for foreign governments to persecute Christians, to resist and resent their growth. The offense is no longer due to the gospel but is instead political. This undermines and destroys the witness of the Church.
And despite Fu's many references to Reformed Christianity and his contacts with figures in that world, he candidly admits that he holds to the same Charismatic doctrine espoused by groups like VOM.
Fu has devoted himself to the cause of Christianity in China. His ChinaAid has become a leading voice in the West for the persecuted Church and yet the organisation is clearly working with and alongside of powerful elements within the US state.
I wrote to them in March of 2018 and said:
...I am concerned when I look at the members of your advisory board and your partnership with the National Endowment for Democracy.
Anyone versed in modern American history and international relations will necessarily raise an eyebrow as it looks like your organisation is effectively a front for US diplomatic initiatives and a promoter of its policies vis-à-vis Beijing. Such relationships are part of what could be described as chapters in an old playbook oft utilised by the US State Department and some of the folks at Langley.
In no way do I mean to advocate for or defend the polices of the CPC but at the same time it is more than a little troubling to equate Christian Kingdom building with the policy goals of Washington. Additionally the wedding of Chinese unregistered churches with American policy let alone American money is not only troubling but bound to increase pressure upon them. There are many Christians who believe firmly in the reliability of the Scriptures and yet do not believe the American Republican Party represents either the views or values of the New Testament. And yet it would seem your organisation has forged close ties with the American Right. Would you agree?
Do you have any position papers that deal with these issues or can you perhaps offer some comment or response?
I received a rather generic response which dismissed all my concerns and argued that ChinaAid has always sought 'bi-partisan' help, as indeed Fu came to the United States under the Clinton administration. Well despite completely avoiding the issues I raised, an appeal to bi-partisan relationships with the American political order hardly exonerates ChinaAid from the charges of Deep State collaboration and the influence of US money. And despite this rather lame defense, Fu is clearly anti-DNC, slamming Obama, and ever heaping praise on the GOP.
Ironically for all the good someone like Fu seeks to do, he in fact is 'Exhibit A' for Beijing's case against unregistered Churches. For all the 'good' Fu is doing he is in fact their worst enemy. He is the very 'proof of a conspiracy' Beijing is looking for and his organisation (a front for a host of figures and organisations connected to American Deep State machinations and politics) is exactly why the CPC wants to crackdown on unregistered meetings and keep tabs on contacts, money and all the rest.
I was deeply disturbed by Fu's book and put off by not only his activist philosophy but his very spirit of humble pride. In his work there were other clues about the power and magnitude of American Evangelical money and the pervasive (and indeed pernicious) influence of Dominionist Theology, issues that extend beyond Bob Fu. It was a worthwhile if discouraging read.
While Fu celebrates his many victories, they are shallow and short-term. Instead he is becoming a catalyst for persecution. Had Fu released CPC documents in a non-political context, had he based his organisation somewhere other than the United States (and Midland, Texas at that), if he declined opportunities to participate in forums orchestrated and produced by Right-wing think-tanks like the Hudson Institute, perhaps Beijing would be less concerned.
But instead Bob Fu and those like him are the very reasons Beijing is coming down all the more on its underground (and even dissident TSPM) Christians.
Do we need to be afraid of the truth? Sadly, most American Christians have been blinded by affiliation with and great affection for Right-wing politics, its narratives, doctrines and worldview. Misled by the false teachers that sit atop the Evangelical (and Confessional) spectrum, the average church-goer is left in a state of ignorance. Unfamiliar with what the New Testament actually teaches, they are easily led astray by leaders professing to teach Biblical Worldview but instead preach a philosophy which is often little more than a pagan ethos utilising Christian language and concepts. Machen's 'Christianity and Liberalism' comes to mind. In that work Machen rightly indentifies theological liberalism as a wolf in sheep's clothing, another religion that has appropriated the language and terms of Christianity even while denying its substance.
Indeed, the New Testament speaks of those who have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof. Modern Dominionist Theology despite its theologically conservative costume and Biblical trappings is a close cousin and leads in the end to the same kind of destructive redefinition of the Christian faith.
These wolves, these false teachers run wild in the Church making merchandise of the flock. They have little concern for the truth as indeed they and their 'ministries' and 'denominations' are intimately wed to the American financial system and the military order that flows from it. They are not interested in truth, not in the least. And they've done their work and even now have spawned a new generation of sycophants and lackeys that have abandoned discernment and instead live by proffering the party line.
Christians that want to understand something of the world and have a context in which to understand the global Church will need to look beyond the various 'worldview' ministries that dominate the Evangelical and Confessional scene. The developing story in China is tremendous. I would like to hear about it, but to do so I must turn away from the very people who should (above all) be telling the truth. Instead they promote the lies and get rich in the process. Consider this warning the next time you consume 'Christian' news.