Power, Not Truth
teachers don't want them to know. Their teachers don't want them to learn that
many of the ideas they promote are not from the Bible but are rooted in
political history....sometimes less than ancient to be sure.
In fact they
fear them learning real history from a wide range of sources. Every viewpoint
that doesn't serve the cause is labeled as biased or liberal. Rather than teach
their people to gain perspective by reading and thinking widely, they teach
such thought is dangerous, sinful and unfaithful. Fidelity seems to be gauged
by one's zeal for the propaganda.
That may
seem unfair but I've had too many conversations and interactions with both
leaders and followers to think otherwise. I'm generalizing but I believe this
is the norm. They want people to read, but only the 'right' books. That's not
how you learn. The Truth isn't afraid to be challenged. Reading or listening to
another point of view is not questioning your faith...it's refining it.
In many
cases the goal is not to help people to figure out and learn the truth, the aim
is control and the goal is the acquisition of power. For many church leaders
their greatest fear is losing people and losing a job. For so-called ministries
and lobbyists their fear is that people will realize the world is a little more
complicated than the simple picture they paint. Fear is tremendously effective
when it comes to fundraising.
They don't
want their supporters and adherents to think about the nature of power and how
that relates to the Kingdom of God. How is the Kingdom advanced? Is the Kingdom
only successful when a culture is affluent and powerful?
Of course
not they would say.
Everything they teach points to the fact that they believe it to be so. The
lunatic televangelists are not the only one's teaching a prosperity gospel.
'teachers' have pushed many in the Church to the brink of political revolt and
the consideration of violence. They hate the government they say.
But do they?
Or do they just want to be the one's running it?
Freedom is doing what I tell you...
Rarely do I
encounter any of these folks who have considered the fact that their own views
are statist. They want the state to intervene and censor, restrict free speech
and control private activities and behaviours in the home.
They want
the state to shut down the press and the airwaves when it contradicts their
views. They want the state regulating morality from the bedroom, to the bar, to
the doctor's office, the school and the movie theatre.
They want a
state that's empowered to regulate pregnancy but then they don't seem to want a
state that intervenes when the child is abused by the parents.
It's ironic,
but many work for companies or own stock in organizations that push for
regulations that actually take away freedom. Banks and insurance companies push
for building codes and uniform standards in every industry across the land.
People blame
the government. They're blind. The politicians pass the laws they are told to
pass by the people writing them checks.
An 'efficient'
society will allow certain institutions to rake in amazing profits. But it destroys
freedom. Is profit always good?
Do these
people want a lack of regulation? I don't think so. The bankers want you and me
to be regulated when it comes to what we can do with our home, property and
business because it provides them security.
permitted if it's rooted in a profit-motive. If society regulates for other
purposes like justice or mercy... that's an intrusion.
An Almost Childlike Understanding of
the World
Freedom and
Democracy. Are these concepts even compatible with the notion of a Christian
State? If not, what does that do the Christian Right's narrative concerning
America? Is Morality something subject to popular opinion? If not, what does
that say about the principles of democracy? Is the Bible using the word freedom
to mean civil freedom?
But we're a
Republic not a democracy. Right, so when people in congress are voted in to
represent their district, do they not try and change the law to fit the need?
When the social consensus is lost do you set up some kind of guardian council
to review and reject any laws not approved?
That's the
Supreme Court? Well, what if they insist the Constitution is subject to
interpretation, and that Originalism is an absurdity in light of the
possibility of amendment, the vagueness of language, the complexities of industrial
and technological society, and the unresolved conflicts of interest contained
within the founding documents?
Do we have
Un-constitutional Amendments? Some think so. This is highly problematic and simply
exhibits deep problems with the whole American political framework. It's
flawed, has never worked properly and has only remained useful because it has
been treated in a flexible manner. If applied in the rigid fashion some
Conservatives wish, the political and social fabric would quickly collapse. In
fact it can be argued that it did at one point. The 1861-65 war was in many
ways a referendum on unresolved issues and tensions dating back to the
Constitutional Convention.
Have these
people thought about these questions? Do the lawyers on the radio talk about
these things? Do they want people to wrestle with the 10th
Amendment's application after the Civil War, the fundamental change to the
Constitution with the 14th Amendment? They don't want people to
think and deal with tough issues. That doesn't sell. That doesn't get things
Do they talk
about the battles within the Congress and Court over the theory of the Unitary
Executive? Are they or their followers aware of this struggle? Do they discuss
the Reagan's attempt to re-assert the doctrine through Signing Statements, a
practice eagerly embraced by every subsequent president?
Why don't
they discuss this with their 'partners' in ministry? Are they afraid some would
become uncomfortable with its implications and the militarization of American
And then to
top it off... the power-mongers will hire others who will attack the very
notion that an issue is more complicated than their simple reductionistic
framing of the argument. They pay people to write papers and books, give
symposiums and serve as 'experts' in the media... paid to produce idealised
ivory tower dreams. They are little more than propagandists arguing for social
and economic models that can be argued on paper, but are an absurdity in the
context of the real world.
What is a
Christian State or Society? Can that be defined in Biblical terms? Where can I
read about that? Don't point to Old Testament Israel. If you do, then you've
misunderstood many of the fundamental teaching of the New Testament. In
addition you've misunderstood what Old Testament Israel was meant to symbolize.
I think the book of Hebrews may be the most neglected and (next to Revelation) misunderstood
book in the New Testament.
Is there a
single verse to be found in the New Testament that urges us to transform or
sanctify culture... or acquire political power?
What do
these words even mean? What is culture? I don't agree with how the Christian Right
intellectuals define it. They're notions are reductionist and self-serving.
What is the state? What is the Church? I could go on ad nauseam. Their
positions are assumed. I assume mine too... but I'm willing to discuss them.
Their followers are unable. Sadly many of the 'intellectuals' are also unable.
They're unaware that there's even room for discussion. They're not taught to
think it through, but to spout mantras.
The average
churchgoer has not (in many cases) even thought about these basic questions. People
will provide answers...sometimes. But when pressed they will often admit
they've not thought about it or they don't know. Or, if they're a bit more
attuned they will spout the memorized lines from their favourite teacher.
The world is
no different. I recall seeing a high ranking police official become agitated
when a journalist referred to the police as the wielders of legitimate
violence. The cop got upset and argued they're not in the business of violence.
They protect and serve the public! Amazing as it is, this leader with all his
responsibility could not grasp what government is, what it means to 'enforce'
the law. I found it to be kind of frightening. But that was some lost pagan.
Should this kind of thought-vacuum be widespread in the 'renewed minds' of the
The average
Christian is flying blind and completely manipulated by the hacks and
propagandists running the worldview, legal and political 'ministries'. These
people are writing letters into the paper, fighting on the Internet, going to rallies,
and writing checks to both ministries and political groups.
And then
they insist they're not trying to acquire power. They don't want to tell anyone
what to do.
They are
sheep being shepherded by wolves.
They have no
understanding of how the state, law, economy or society functions. It staggers
me and I find myself hardly able to stand the radio hosts, authors and others
who lead these people down this road.