Dominionism is the idea that
says we must seek to transform society and culture. Among the myriad of
Christian sects almost everyone would agree that Christianity brings a set of
ethics and values to the table, it has something to say regarding human conduct
and behaviour.
Protestants in particular have
laid an emphasis on the new life, being 'born again' as Jesus says to Nicodemus
in John 3. As New Creatures, we approach all ethical tangles differently than
the nonbeliever. In addition our entire focus is different, we seek heavenly
wisdom, we are to lay up treasure in heaven where are our hearts, our hopes
Dominionism says we must go
further. Based off their reading of Genesis 1.26-27 they believe we are to
subdue the earth. This combined with Paul's injunction to 'bring every thought
captive' launches them on what seem to them to be a clear programme to
transform all of culture and society. To them this is Kingdom work, this is
bringing the Kingdom of God to earth and making it manifest.