02 November 2021

The Establishment's Suppression of the January 6 Investigation (III)

Nancy Pelosi is the Right's greatest and most powerful enemy within Congress and at this point she's the one figure that could really lead the charge, the one person that has the power to pursue the January 6th coup attempt and to take down the collaborators in congress – wounding the party in the process.

And yet she's not. Why isn't she? Why isn't the Establishment media aggressively reporting on this? Why aren't they coming after her and challenging her tepid response and her lacklustre investigation?

If this matter is pursued and these treasonous congressional representatives (and a few senators) are taken down, removed from office and prosecuted – the Establishment (of which Pelosi is a part) fears civil unrest and civil war.

And if civil war or even just large-scale political violence breaks out, the American Empire will not likely survive it. The post-Cold War dream of unipolarity is all but dead but the US wants to maintain its dominant position as the most powerful country in the world. China is challenging that status and as mentioned in another piece, the real transformative moment will come when the dollar as the basis for global currency is challenged and dethroned. That will mark the end of US hegemony. If the United States descends into civil war, it will be a signal to Beijing to make its move and begin to replace the dollar in the realm of international finance and the final break will come when the petrodollar is rendered obsolete and replaced by a different system. The cracks are already beginning to appear. China has sent clear signals about what it intends to do.

At that point the American economy will be in decline and a great deal of American wealth will evaporate as will Washington's ability to project power on the international stage. The diplomatic and financial toolbox will be largely empty, left only with rusty tools that are no more appealing than what can be found elsewhere.  It will be catastrophic for America's ruling class and it will send shockwaves across the economy. If the US is already in a state of civil war or unrest – there's no telling what the end result might be. There are many possibilities, many directions it could go. In desperation the US might launch a war. Domestically, states would certainly begin to ignore the increasingly impotent federal government. Many are already near the point of insurrection. You would start to see secession and thus the end of the United States.*

As with the fall of Rome, the fall of empires is usually complicated and does not result from one factor alone. But as it happens, the blame and the resulting violence will certainly be spread around.

January 6th was a warning and a harbinger of what's to come. It was just the beginning. Biden has clearly attempted to distract from its implications and it was no coincidence that he encouraged the rekindling of anti-China sentiment by his administration resurrecting the Wuhan Lab theory – one without basis, but one (among a growing number) that projects blame and anger in the direction of Beijing. This was a signal that he intends to project US power (and the threat of violence) in the direction of Beijing and unlike Trump and Obama, Biden has within his first year worked aggressively to pursue this strategy.

War is an alternative, a means to arrest these degenerative forces, to consolidate power and focus social energy and anger in the direction of an enemy. It can also generate economic stimulus. But if the US is going to fight a new series of wars, it had to end the ones it was engaged in and it has to prepare the public (through propaganda) for what is to come. This is the moment and this is why Afghanistan was abandoned, and January 6 is being swept under the rug. Biden and Pelosi don't want to read the Rolling Stone story. It might get mentioned. They might use these narratives in connection to political campaigns, to stir up their base, and steer the Left (and the Sanders-led pseudo-Left) back into the Democratic fold, but it's clear they don't mean to actually pursue it.

The Libertarians have largely sided with the Trumpites. The Republican Establishment has bowed to what they deem to be inevitable. The only people left in the political mainstream to take note of this cover-up and the role the media is playing in it is found within the actual Left. But the Left is confused. Many if not most have been led down the garden path by Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez. These pseudo-left political figures do little more than steer these elements back into the Democratic Party, ever wooing them with false hope and empty rhetoric. This same DNC machine is quick to label actual Leftists and Left-leaning journalists as tools of Russia, cronies of Putin, and pawns of China, because they dare to challenge to official narratives regarding US foreign policy and the way the US Establishment wishes to frame its imperial and economic narrative.

That leaves Christians. Of all people in this cultural milieu it should be Christians that have discernment, that are not taken in by either side. And so we would expect Christians to be speaking – at least quietly speaking in a non-political framework among themselves, denouncing the Trumpite movement and the insurrections, and also taking note of what's happening in terms of the larger context. They should be exposing the media whitewash of January 6, all the more as Christian imagery was employed by the rioters. And we would expect leaders in the Church to be calling out those who profess Christ and yet have become caught up and entangled in this struggle, all its lies, and its sinful behaviour.

Is that what we find? No, we find that Christians have become part of the FOX machine, partisans for Trumpism and are vocal in their defense of the insurrection and the spread of disinformation – some of the Christian-affiliated websites being among the worst of all. In fact, they clamour for more confrontation and continue to encourage their flocks to sin.

As Christians we know that Beasts live and die, empires rise and fall. It's to be expected and we are not among those who wail and lament the fall of Babylon, even the monstrous American Babylon.

But alas, like it or not, we must take careful note of these events as Trump's Chief of Staff and several of the congressional Republicans that have been exposed as January 6 collaborators profess to be Evangelical Christians. There's a Roman Catholic and some Mormons (which have long been associated with Right-wing politics). They are of less concern but Bible-professing Christians must be concerned about the Evangelicals involved. This isn't just elections, lobbying, and bureaucratic maneuvers anymore. This is violence and insurrection. It was one thing to wink and sigh at the misguided energies of well meaning but misled people in the pews who have allied themselves with the Right. A line has been crossed. You can no longer sit with these unthinking, unrepentant people and take communion with them – or those supporting them. They have fallen into sin and are condemned by the Scriptures. We need to call them out, denounce them, command them to repent, and when they refuse – come out from among them, because you can be sure they'll have the majority behind them.

This is a moment in which Christian leaders cannot be silent. I know there are those who dissent from the Trumpist agenda and certainly its offensive style. And yet, they also seem afraid to speak out and denounce what is grossly sinful conduct within the Christian community. If they challenge these people they know the backlash is going to be ferocious and they'll pay a price. They'll be blacklisted and their 'ministry' 'careers' will be ruined. And so they remain silent. Church history has seen too many episodes like this. It's time to speak up and help people understand where these folks have made a terrible and indeed fatally wrong turn. They have substituted Zion for Babylon and the ethics of Christ for Balaam and Lamech. They stand condemned and have blood on their hands.

My question to Christians who remain silent, who are still in churches that tolerate these people who openly or tacitly support and encourage this behaviour is this – what will it take for you to speak out? How far can they go before you act?

Elders need to be respectfully challenged. Celebrity 'pastors' need to be called out. The people are like sheep without a shepherd and the wolves are running riot in their midst.

Lines have been crossed. The situation has changed. It's time for discernment as the forces of chaos are at the Church's gate. These false shepherds are opening the doors as we speak and decimation will result.

Deceived deceivers (2 Timothy 3.13), having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof, they think they're serving God and yet Satan is laughing, for they are his agents, doing his work. Tremble for them, because their Matthew 7 moment awaits them – these workers of deceit and iniquity.


*Contrary to common Right-wing intuitions, states in many respects are more powerful than ever, some possessing economies that exceed significant countries around the world. State governments rely on federal funds but for years states have pursued (largely in collaboration with and on the behalf of the corporate sector) independent commercial negotiations and trans-national economic policies – reaching overseas for companies to set up in their state and invest. While restrained by international agreements like NAFTA and the WTO, there is a growing movement among state governors to reform the nature of federalism, especially when it comes to economic policies on a state and local level.

The Trump non/chaotic-response to Covid-19 demonstrated this devolution in spectacular fashion as governors 'stepped up' and quickly overshadowed the federal government. And now during the Biden era, some state governors such as Florida's Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott of Texas are pursuing independent courses in open defiance of Washington.