27 July 2021

Helm on Vocation


Helm begins by arguing that Evangelicals have adopted an essentially gnostic view of Creation and Redemption and a non-Christian anthropology. These claims are regularly made by Dominionist-minded thinkers and yet I have yet to find anyone who actually holds to these views. For nigh on forty years the Christian Right has laboured to eradicate them – largely straw men to begin with – and they have been successful. The attack is against new straw men they have substituted for the real problems they face.

24 July 2021

Judaizing and Reductionism: An Interaction with MacArthurite Hermeneutics (Part 2)

That the Old Testament was harder to understand did not minimise the onus placed on the saints of that era. And yet, New Testament believers are called to a higher ethical standard. We have so much more revealed and we are called to live as citizens not of the typological kingdom comprised of sword-conquests, land boundaries, stone buildings, and blood sacrifices. Rather, we are called to live as citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven and as such we are strangers and pilgrims on the Earth in a way the saints living under the Mosaic order were not. We do not live by the sword, we have the completed perfect sacrifice which grants us access to the Kingdom of Heaven. Our Kingdom is eternal and yet hidden to the unregenerate. Our Temple and sacrifices are spiritual. Our High Priest is in Heaven. Our battles are not against flesh and blood. Our ethics are born of a higher eternal order.

Judaizing and Reductionism: An Interaction with MacArthurite Hermeneutics (Part 1)


I was struck by two recent displays of the reductionist hermeneutics utilised by the MacArthurite faction. These are retentions of the Baconian attempt within Dispensationalism to cast hermeneutics into a scientific framework. They want the Scriptures to have one clear unambiguous propositional meaning that is grounded in the inductive and deductive processes of human experience.

16 July 2021

Bercot's Covid Ethics: Practical Wisdom and Shortcomings


Overall this was a very good forum. My wife and I both agreed that is was some of the best practical ethics and wisdom we've heard since the Covid crisis emerged over a year ago. Bercot did not disappoint. He got the balance right and rightly applied Kingdom ethics to the situation – mask mandates and the like. I really appreciated it and the fact that he condemned the behaviour of Evangelicals and the many Anabaptists who fell into Right-wing individualist thinking and behaviour and brought shame to the testimony of Christ and the Church.

But there were two glaring deficiencies that I would point out and I think they're important to consider.

10 July 2021

A Postmortem on Covid Postmortems (Part 2)

His comments on the government operating outside parameters and violating its God-given authority are frankly ridiculous. It's the wrong way to approach such questions. He's mischaracterized the nature of government and badly misjudged and wrongly framed the Christian interaction with this post lapsum reality – a temporary situation that will be eradicated at the eschaton.

A Postmortem on Covid Postmortems (Part 1)


Perhaps what I found most disappointing about this piece is that many will believe it to be well-reasoned and moderate in its tone and posture. I did not find this to be the case and in addition I found it indicative of some other disturbing trends at work within conservative Evangelical and Confessional circles.

04 July 2021

The Shadow State is Alive and Well


The stage for all of this was set in the aftermath of 9/11 and increasingly as people no longer consider the surrendering of their privacy and data to be anything controversial, and as generations of lock-step, wave the flag, support the troops, my country right or wrong nationalism has come to dominate – this story isn't even controversial.