How to begin and make use of this site

updated 15 Jan 2011

How to begin:

The latest post appears when you first bring up the site.

You'll find archive tools in the left margin. There are topic 'tags' as well as dated archives by month.

I've also picked several main topics and included some of the more popular reads as well as posts dealing with issues or topics I think to be critical or of greater pertinence.

You can make use of the Search bar at the top. Type in any topic and if it's mentioned, it will come up. You can type in theological terms, names, countries, whatever.

There is also an ever expanding glossary. Feel free to email me and ask for more definitions.
Feel free to comment. I don't filter out the comments or moderate. I'll only remove something if it has excessively bad language or appears to be spam.

The Why and How series is a good place to start.

You can also contact me at

I'm happy to answer any questions. I will respond. Just be patient, sometimes I get a little overwhelmed.
