14 April 2019

The 2007 PCA General Assembly Debate on Federal Vision Theology

Some time ago I discovered the audio for the debate and listened with considerable interest.

I found it interesting that it wasn't only the advocates of Federal Vision theology that were concerned with the actions of the General Assembly.  They simply requested that judgment would be delayed, that Scriptural proofs and exegetical work would be provided and that the committee would be revised to include at least a couple of voices who could advocate for the Federal Vision.

LaHaye's Victory and the Next Phase: The Psychotropic Imperative

Evangelicalism has a long track record of compromise when it comes to psychology and psychotropic drugs. In these days of confusion even 'ministries' once oriented toward Biblical counseling have been compromised.
Recently I was listening to an Evangelical radio station and was struck by the interviewee's statement that not only can Christians take psychotropic medications, in some cases it would be sinful not to.

10 April 2019

Clark and Mefferd on Socialism: A Dog and Pony Show

I rolled my eyes, but like the impulse to turn one's head to look at a car wreck, I had to listen. What are they going to say? Janet Mefferd and Scott Clark are going to break down Socialism for us. It ought to be a hoot.
And I wasn't disappointed, that is if I was looking for a fiasco. If someone is looking for good information, acumen and Scriptural wisdom on Socialism and how a Christian should think about it... they'll need to look somewhere else, because as expected, these two are a case of blind leading the blind.

Parousia Interim

The period in which the Parousia is in temporal suspension, paused and delayed from being fully completed, the period in which Divine Wrath and Judgment are deferred, that the Gentiles might be brought in.
The Old Testament presents the First and Second Comings as one event and eschatologically they are indeed unified. This has led to a great deal of confusion for some as they seek to interpret prophecy in isolated terms apart from the Parousia which is centered on Christ.
This age of the Already-Not Yet, this time of fulfillment in earnest and expectation is one in which prophecy is in pause and in suspension. The age could be described as characterised by a temporal schism in which we as believers live in This Age and yet are participant citizens in The Age to Come.
When Christ returns the full meaning and import of the Parousia will be brought to bear as our Lord will finish not a task separate from His First Coming but will finish the tasks associated with His Coming. The events are separated by chronological time but eschatologically are essentially one. This doctrine of course defies normal categories of predication and experience. It is a source of wonder.

06 April 2019

The Fool Wang Yi and the Dark Side of Calvinism

I read this article the other day and it disheartened me to say the least.
It's one thing for a state to allow illegal activity if that activity stays low-key and off the main street so to speak. But when those engaged in illegality (as defined by the state) move to conspire and collaborate with the enemies of the state, their actions are no longer back-alley subcultural exploits but instead become overtly political.