30 August 2020

Anti-Masking, 9/11 and Nero (Part 2)

In the grand scheme of things we can say this – wearing a mask is a small price to pay, a small inconvenience especially if it helps to prevent spread and potentially save lives.
But even if it's a large price to pay – as Christians we can say the following with confidence –
Wearing a mask is not sinful. Therefore if it's the law, we're compelled to do it – at least outside the gathering of the church and outside the home. Whether they are worn in the church or home is for the leaders of those domains to decide in a Christ-honouring Biblically reasoned fashion.

Anti-Masking, 9/11 and Nero (Part 1)

After 9/11, it was the Right-wing and the political Conservatives who supported the suspending of rights. They supported the curtailing of speech and censorship. Privacy was eliminated as was due process – not to mention cruel and unusual punishment. State prerogatives were superseded by the new Federal juggernaut. To many scholars and principled liberals, the Constitution had been eviscerated and in particular the key planks found within the Bill of Rights.

19 August 2020

Trump +1307: Middle Eastern Geopolitics, Switching Alliances and American Absenteeism (II)

As previously mentioned, the explosion in Beirut was quickly capitalised on by France's Macron – the Americans are absent, and thus other Western powers like the French are stepping in. Macron as the former colonial power has inserted itself into the Lebanese situation and is already floating an overhaul of the Civil War settlement which established the sectarian blocs that rule the country. Despite this settlement, in practical terms, oligarchs control the government and  Hezbollah controls large sections of Lebanon's Northeast and South and a political shake-up could mean a challenge to Hezbollah's control – the very thing Macron and others would like to see.

Trump +1307: Middle Eastern Geopolitics, Switching Alliances and American Absenteeism (I)

It is really in the realm of foreign policy that Trump has upset the American Establishment in the strongest of terms – and I'm not referring to the failed Russiagate scandal. As a vehicle to remove him from office that plot failed but in the meantime his presidency has marked some other significant changes and in some settings and theatres his haphazard pursuit of policy has resulted in change – largely in terms of instability and a serious decline in American influence and standing.

16 August 2020

The Burning of Bibles and the Evangelical Response

Reports have come out regarding street protestors burning Bibles. Already upset by the taking down of statues and monuments, this story has pushed many Evangelicals over the edge and while the imagery of the Scriptures being burned is troublesome, there is also cause for concern to be found in the Evangelical response.

08 August 2020

High Place Hermeneutics – The Spirit of Balaam-Hananiah

At 4:44, Jordan Hall engages in a classic syncretistic move of bait and switch. Juxtaposing the holy covenantal inheritance due to Esau and the inheritance gained and earned by American patriots who through work and war built the nation Hall has sold his soul to – he engages in a basic hermeneutical and theological fallacy and yet one well known to students of the Scripture and those who continue to watch American Evangelicalism with a wary eye.

01 August 2020

Three Shots Fired at Moscow

The Anti-Russian campaign is in full swing. It might as well be 1950, 1961 or 1983. It's reaching that kind of intensity.
First, we're told that Russian affiliated hackers attempted to steal data related to development of a Covid-19 vaccine. These hacks targeted Western pharmaceutical companies that are currently involved in the research and development.