24 December 2018

Twisting Scripture and History to Justify Christmas

This was a rather lackluster attempt by the author but it's useful in that these trite, silly and erroneous pro-Christmas arguments are commonly used and thus must be answered. I thought it worth taking a moment to examine and interact with them.

23 December 2018

Victorian Sacralism and the Roots of 20th Century Evangelicalism

I have frequently mentioned and praised Iain Murray's Evangelicalism Divided, his often astute chronicle and analysis of 20th century Evangelicalism and the roots of its decay.
Nevertheless I know from Murray's other works that he remains an advocate of the 'Christian' West and in particular Christian Britain. While his vision and means of accomplishing and maintaining this reality differs on certain levels from the Evangelical project, they are in effect related and perhaps more closely than Murray would be willing to grant.

09 December 2018

The Evangelical Worldview and the Legend of GHW Bush

At work I will often turn on the ostensibly Christian radio station at noon to hear the news reported from a Christian worldview. Of course in keeping with the tone and tenor of American Evangelicalism it's often anything but and often engaged in not only a twisting and spinning of current events but of the Scriptures themselves.
But this week was over the top. With the death of Bush, it seemed the whole of American media was obsessed in memorialising the ex-president. The Mainstream wished and even overtly laboured to juxtapose his 'dignified' manner with that of the barbarism displayed by the current White House occupant.

11 November 2018

Petr Chelčický: A Medieval Biblicist and Rustic Philosopher (Part 2)

Chelčický finds himself occupying an almost unique place in pre-Reformation Church History, representing views that would all but disappear by the 17th century swallowed up by the profound political and cultural changes which reshaped the European map. And while we know that many works of reformers and critics of the Catholic social order were doomed to perish and be lost to time, Chelčický's works survived though many were not translated from Czech until modern times.

Petr Chelčický: A Medieval Biblicist and Rustic Philosopher (Part 1)

Petr Chelčický was born sometime around 1380 in Southern Bohemia, today's Czech Republic.* Associated with the village of Chelčice, he was probably from Vodňany or some other nearby village. There are debates as to his identity, some identifying him with one Peter of Zahorči, but this is not conclusive. Regardless of his background (of which there are many theories) it seems a yeoman farmer is the most likely which would have placed him above the serfs and peasants but a member of neither the gentry nor the emergent bourgeoisie. Apparently a self-educated man he wrote in Czech and though he had some Latin, he wasn't fluent.

31 October 2018

The Feminist Surge: A Result of Ecclesiastical Confusion, Middle Class Assumptions and Para-church Inroads (Part 2)

Where will this end? And more importantly what's happening in so-called Complimentarian circles that suddenly career women have become normative?
Do I doubt the ability of women? By no means but that's not the point.

The Feminist Surge: A Result of Ecclesiastical Confusion, Middle Class Assumptions and Para-church Inroads (Part 1)

It's a growing trend and yet few seem to notice. Some have been lulled to sleep by the ever present 'hum' of our frenetic culture. Others are changed even transformed by their failure to reflect on society and their place in it.
Others (I think) are tired of the fight or perhaps think that there are such 'bigger' issues and battles to be fought that this one is not worth the required energy or the possible divisions such an examination is bound to create.

13 October 2018

Vocation, Dominion and The Banner of Truth (Part 2)

Cyber-security isn't 'loving others' any more than is banking, delivering mail or building stairs. Some (and only some) of these jobs can become 'loving' if they're done gratuitously. That's an aspect of ministry or Christian service.

Vocation, Dominion and The Banner of Truth (Part 1)

I apologise in advance to long-time readers. This interaction will probably prove redundant but I do it anyway, hoping that maybe a few new readers will be grabbed by what I'm saying and turn away from a pernicious but popular error and one of the rotten harvests of the Reformation.

07 October 2018

An Encounter with a Church Consultant: A lesson and a warning (Part 2)

He criticised the congregation for reading Scripture passages that were too long. Also, they should abandon hymn books because a lot of people can't follow along in them and don't know how they work. They should suspend the Sunday evening service because the lack of numbers was depressing and it was wasting people's time. They should turn the Sunday School room into a 'welcome center'.
And the day he was visiting for the final time, the day he gave his presentation after the luncheon, we happened to sing a hymn that mentioned 'propitiation'. He fixated on this and mentioned it more than once. Hymns shouldn't use 'big words' like that, words that visitors won't understand.

An Encounter with a Church Consultant: A lesson and a warning (Part 1)

This is both a report and perhaps a warning for churches of a certain mindset and polity. The congregation where we now assemble recently went through a long period without a pastor and a fairly sharp decline in numbers. Now, much could be said about the 'pastoral' system but we can leave that aside for the moment.
During the interim one of the men filling in convinced the congregation to hire a Church Growth Consultant. This gentleman visited the congregation on a few occasions and was given carte blanche to investigate the congregation's records, finances and the like. After a few months he returned and presented his report.

04 October 2018

Historical Lessons not Learned: British Nonconformity, Classical Liberalism and a Cycle of Self-Destruction (Part 2)

For almost two centuries large factions of Protestants have championed Classical Liberalism and now like a Golem or Frankenstein monster turning on its creator, the system is effectively at war with social and religious nonconformity. By conflation, Classical Liberalism has eroded Christian thought and Liberalism's failures have driven society in a communitarian direction, even while retaining many liberal concepts and forms. As a consequence Christians, who often held to communitarian positions themselves are left imperiled and confused and their large-scale social projects in the post-Enlightenment period have turned into something of a nightmare.

Historical Lessons not Learned: British Nonconformity, Classical Liberalism and a Cycle of Self-Destruction (Part 1)

Scotland made international news with its Named Person programme in 2014. This programme would effectively assign a social worker to every child so that the state would be involved in that child's life from infancy. Parents, privacy advocates and others were horrified at this attempt of gross intrusion by the state as well as the potential for abuses and in principle the loss of parental power and autonomy.
There was resistance and the act was partially blocked in 2016, though Edinburgh is still trying to implement it. Recently there was a scandal as a video emerged of local authorities encouraging teachers to override parental consent regarding collected personal information about children and their families. In other words the state is keeping files on everyone and teachers are being effectively trained to disregard parental concerns and objections. They know best of course. For obvious reasons Christians and others are alarmed.

25 September 2018

Christians and Tattoos: Wading Through the Bad Arguments (Part 2)

What about the idea of being marked out as a Christian, having one's self covered with Christian themed tattoos?
This is even more problematic.

Christians and Tattoos: Wading Through the Bad Arguments (Part 1)

It's a strange issue to have to discuss, all the more because it wasn't that long ago that this issue was unheard of. Tattoos were pretty rare and almost unheard of among Christians. Additionally the idea of Christian-themed tattoos would have been viewed as something not only bizarre but something laughable, absurd, an oxymoronic suggestion to be sure.
And yet culture changes and values shift and just because generations saw something as wrong, doesn't mean that they were always right. Maybe centuries of tradition on this point were mistaken and not only is it okay to get a tattoo but maybe Christians should do so as an act of devotion.

22 September 2018

Legislation as a Form of Pedagogy

Christians differ over the role of law in society. Many believe that Biblical law is to be enforced, others believe Natural Law is sufficient. These are of course somewhat nebulous terms and there are many factions and internal debates over just what these terms mean, to what extent they can be known and as to what degree of certainty is attainable. The latter issue touches on the role of philosophy and questions of epistemology, coherence and inference.

20 September 2018

Pentecost and the Framework of Redemptive History: Prolepsis, Asynchronicity and Eschatological Ethics (Part 2)

All that said, there is a sense in which Pentecost does have a special significance for NT believers.
I think it safe to say that as New Testament believers we experience life in the Spirit in a greater fullness. Old Testament figures would have the Spirit come upon them for great deeds and yet the True Presence was found with the Shekinah in the Holy of Holies. This again is another mind-bending revelatory truth in that believers possessed the Spirit, but not in its fullness, they were regenerated by the Spirit but the Spirit-Presence in space-time (for want of a better concept) was spatially located in the Temple. The typology and chronology bend, warp and are interwoven with the eternal-eschatological realities that believers participate in. A simple appeal to omnipresence does not alleviate the difficulty.

Pentecost and the Framework of Redemptive History: Prolepsis, Asynchronicity and Eschatological Ethics (Part 1)

What is the significance of Pentecost? It was the occasion in which the Holy Spirit descended on believers signifying the new age, the sealing of the promised work of Christ and the ratification of the era of the New Covenant. Christ's Ascension meant that the Holy Spirit could come as a Comforter, as the proleptic earnest of the Kingdom which would exist in its Already and Not-Yet form during the Parousia Interim, the period we know as the New Testament or Church Age. This interim is understood as the period in which the Parousia is in temporal suspension, paused and delayed from being fully completed or consummated, the period in which Divine Wrath and Judgment are deferred, that the Gentiles might be brought in.

15 September 2018

American Evangelicalism, China and all things Eurasia (Part 2)

But perhaps the biggest and most destructive force is not found among the corrupt and ignorant leaders of American Evangelicalism. No, the worst offenders and enemies of the Kingdom of Truth (with regard to China) are found among the dissident Chinese who have sold out to become agents of the American Beast. 'God's Double Agent' as Bob Fu likes to call himself immediately comes to mind.

American Evangelicalism, China and all things Eurasia (Part 1)

Beijing's 'clampdown' on Chinese Churches is making a splash in Evangelical circles and as I've long followed the state of Christianity in China, I've certainly been paying attention.

And yet something is amiss. The Christian coverage of the situation is deficient and that's probably being kind. There's plenty of condemnation to be levied at Beijing and yet are these various reporting agencies, hosts, interviewers and ministries concerned with the truth or not? Is this just another case of American Right-wing politics criticising international opposition? Shouldn't we as Christians approach this issue a little differently? Shouldn't our concerns be divorced from the political interests of the United States?

11 September 2018

Revisions and Reversals Part 3/Final

But there are other strange reversals too....
The First Amendment is now by some accounts a Right-wing issue. This strangely has an air of truth to it as the Left is becoming increasingly intolerant of free speech. The ACLU is practically in state of civil war. That said, Right-wing appeals to free speech concerns are disingenuous. They've always been the party of censorship. This is in part why some of the older generation of Leftists are reeling at present by both the Right's new narrative and legal strategy and the direction the Millennial Generation is taking First Amendment jurisprudence.

Revisions and Reversals Part 2

If these reversals and revisions weren't bizarre enough, the Right and especially the Christian Right have taken some rather unforeseen turns.

Revisions and Reversals Part 1

Culturally and politically we are undergoing a series of revisions and reversals. History is being re-written and in many cases historical positions and convictions once held by one political faction are being rejected and as a consequence embraced or appropriated by the other side. These shifts are producing chaos and confusion and in some cases a complete distortion and re-working of the historical record.

09 September 2018

Supermarket Sacrilege

It was one of those culturally oppressive days. My wife and I were in a supermarket in a nearby town and it just seemed like everyone, even the older people were just covered in tattoos, piercings and other forms of obscenity and states of undress. Language was crude, children ill-behaved. It was a gruesome and disturbing scene reminding me of Peter's reference to Lot and the burden and vexation of living in Sodom.

31 August 2018

Washer's Ten Indictments Against the Modern Church: Critiquing the Critics (Part 2)

Washer refers to infant baptism as the golden calf of the Reformation. To put it bluntly, he's wrong... but there's a sense in which he's right. He's wrong on the issue of paedobaptism there's a hint of truth to his statement.
Paedobaptism is Scriptural and despite Baptist assertions to the contrary it is even testified to in the book of Acts but the problem is when it's applied in a Sacralist milieu. Then it becomes distorted and destructive. Baptism, paedo- or otherwise should never be universally applied to a tribe, nation or culture. It is applied only to the separatist pilgrim Church that has come out of the world and continues in perseverance. Within that context paedobaptism has its import and can function correctly. Sacralism necessarily waters down discipline to the point of near irrelevance and it destroys the Church's distinct identity and (as a consequence) renders the Word and Sacrament almost meaningless.

Washer's Ten Indictments Against the Modern Church: Critiquing the Critics (Part 1)

Recently I decided to revisit Paul Washer's Ten Indictments Against the Modern Church. You can get it in pamphlet form but in this case I wanted to listen to it and so I went to SermonAudio. I'm not usually one for highly impassioned preaching with shouting and all the rest, but if I am going to listen to someone do it, it's going to be along the lines of Paul Washer.
It's been a good eight years since I listened to it last. I remember what I was doing at the time and can place the date in 2010. I remember being pleasantly surprised by his candor and largely accurate assessment of Evangelicalism in the 21st century. Of course, I don't agree with him on every point but overall it's excellent.

25 August 2018

The TSA, Bureaucracy and Permanent War

Undoubtedly some will have noticed this story which broke a few weeks ago regarding the TSA programme of passenger surveillance.
The TSA or Transportation Security Administration is largely a joke but there's nothing funny about it. Implemented in the wake of 9/11 the organisation has been repeatedly defeated by inter-agency tests. It harasses and humiliates the public and yet is unable to stop weapons from getting on to airplanes.

19 August 2018

The Horn of Africa, Geopolitics and the Persecution of Christians

Recently some thirty-five Christians were released from prison in Eritrea. Is this a sign of future toleration or a case of symbolic amnesty, a diplomatic bone thrown to Ethiopia's allies in the West? The event is probably best understood by the recent peace declaration between Addis Ababa and Asmara, ending the border conflict which has been ongoing since Eritrean independence in the 1990's. Will these moves signal a change for the persecuted Christians in Eritrea? Let's hope so, but there's good reason to doubt.

16 August 2018

Trinitarian Nomenclature, Progressive Orthodoxy and the Sufficiency of Scripture (Part 2)

There was resistance to the progressivist trajectory among the Medieval proponents of Sola Scriptura. While many of the groups were essentially orthodox (by Protestant standards) they nevertheless did not share the later Protestant views and narratives with regard to the (progressively orthodox) development of Roman Catholicism and its theology.
On what basis did they reject it? For them a commitment to Sola Scriptura was buttressed in many cases by a distinct ideological narrative that utterly rejected the Papacy and its claims and believed it not to be representative of the Bride of Christ in a somewhat defective but contextually understandable form, but the Antichrist, the Babylonian Harlot of Revelation. The fact that these groups had some of the developmental details wrong (regarding the Donation of Constantine for example) in no way detracts from the realities of Papal history, its claims, its deceptions and certainly the principles at stake.

Trinitarian Nomenclature, Progressive Orthodoxy and the Sufficiency of Scripture (Part 1)

I have been challenged, rebuked and questioned about my recent comments with regard to the doctrine of the Trinity. The context was a critical article I wrote responding to a Reformed Charismatic attempting to critique the Watchtower Society.
In no way do I identify with the actual theology or Semi-Arian views of the so-called Jehovah's Witnesses and yet I have at the same time expressed some doubt with regard to the Nicene and Post-Nicene Trinitarian formulations. To be clear, I am a Trinitarian and have no difficulty in affirming the Trinity as One God in Three Persons and that each of the Persons are eternal and fully Divine.
The problems arise with regard to how these formulations are understood, what the individual terms mean and what role philosophy can play in helping (or hindering) the development of Trinitarian doctrine.
Further I noted a tendency among many theologians to acknowledge that in the end the Trinity results in mystery, in tensions unable to be resolved. Nevertheless many theologians believe it is their task to develop or push the concepts to the utmost, to the breaking point as it were. Since the language of Scripture is limited and since we all agree that some terms like the Trinity (for example) are valid extra-Biblical expressions then it is permissible (it is argued) to employ new terminologies and concepts and using Scripture – to forge paradigms and models that range far beyond the actual textual data. If they pass a series of coherence tests, then they can subsequently be spoken of as 'Biblical'.
This is what I'm challenging.

08 August 2018

Apocalypticism (Part 2)

One may be an Amillennialist with no expectation of chiliastic-millennial triumph in this age and yet embrace Dominionism with its insistence on a Kingdom definition that includes the culture. The Dominion-Amillennialist may not have the triumphal expectation of the Postmillennialist but they both share a common interest in transforming culture. They may disagree when it comes to style, nomenclature, emphasis and even what 'victory' looks like but they share a mutual interest and thus practically speaking are allies.

Apocalypticism (Part 1)

Amillennialism has always been a problematic term. It's a position defined by what it is not. It posits the millennium in apophatic terms, rather than stating a positive, it is instead a theological concept cast in the negative. The difficulties are further expanded by the fact that it also generates confusion for some as it seems to suggest a rejection of the millennium entirely, a concept clearly taught in Revelation 20. Based on this, some have mistakenly accused Amillennialists of being theological liberals, people who don't take the Bible seriously.

29 July 2018

Prophetic Idiom, Perspective and Isaiah 65

Isaiah 65 is a problematic passage for many and yet their struggles with it are actually rooted in fundamental misunderstandings of how prophecy is to be read. For chiliasts of both the pre- and post-millennial variety the 'New Heavens and New Earth' passage necessarily refers to age longevity in that 'the child shall die an hundred years old' suggesting a lifespan far in excess of our present 70-80 years.

22 July 2018

A Study in Fools: Veneers and Big Questions

This NPR story caught my attention the other day and I had to dig up the link and transcript and have another look. It's about parents that want to wrestle with the 'big questions'... apart from religion.
They want to discuss love and compassion and yet not restrict these ideas to a religious framework or one that approaches such questions with a degree of certainty.

20 July 2018

Sasse: A Danger and Disgrace to Protestant Testimony

If you're a Conservative or Evangelical Christian and you haven't heard of Ben Sasse, then you're probably in the minority. He's young, popular and part of a crop of politicians that has grown up and been 'properly educated' in so-called Worldview teaching. In many ways he's the candidate the Christian Right has been looking for. George W. Bush may have been the 'every-man' Evangelical, the omnibus candidate that could appeal to the wealthy and the working class but by all accounts he was an intellectual lightweight. His heart expressed the sentiments that resonated with the Christian Right but his tongue was unable to articulate the ideas. Time will tell if Sasse is able to have that kind of broad appeal but in terms of not just the lingo but the actual ideas, he's the one their looking for. He's the politician that can truly express the theology and social visions of intellectuals from Abraham Kuyper and Francis Schaeffer to RJ Rushdoony and even figures like Cornelius Van Til.

16 July 2018

Disquiet in the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC)

I've recommended Jeff Riddle's work in the past. He's a Reformed or confessionally Calvinistic Baptist pastor out of Virginia.
By way of clarification I personally am an ex- or more probably post- Reformed Christian and most definitely not a Baptist in any sense, but there are some in those circles I can appreciate. I think Riddle demonstrates some wisdom when it comes to discussing certain topics but most of all I appreciate his work defending the traditional text and concepts like providential preservation as opposed to the pseudo-conservative position of inerrancy and its embrace of the Critical Text.
I listen to his Word Magazine podcasts and while at first I wasn't that interested in this particular topic, it pulled me in. He and a guest (Clevenger) are talking about developments within the Southern Baptist Convention, both of them are apparently ex-members.

15 July 2018

Risen, Mueller and the False Exposé

I am consistently amazed by people like the former New York Times reporter James Risen. After all they've experienced, after all they've seen and been exposed to, they still harbour a fundamental faith in the system. Are they naive? If they are it's concerning human nature. I am immediately suspicious of anyone who has spent a career in journalism, especially reporting on politics, military and the security state and yet still believes that people are fundamentally good or that apart from a few bad apples... the state apparatus is inhabited for the most part by good, honest folks possessing honour and integrity.

01 July 2018

Depictions of Christ (Part 2)

Is the problem with pictures of Christ a question of devotion? Is it because people will 'worship' the picture? And thus the question implies that if it's non-devotional in nature, is it then permissible?

Depictions of Christ (Part 1)

Should Christ be depicted? For many this question is confused by debates over whether or not such depictions are appropriate for 'church' or whether they should be restricted to the arts. Some believe such depictions are appropriate for a children's Bible book while others would forbid even this. Can Christ be depicted in the movies?

24 June 2018

Romania and the Prospect of Moldovan Reunification: NATO's Ostsiedlung Programme

Americans struggle with geography and history. Largely ignorant of their own, they soon all but drown when delving into regions such as Central and Eastern Europe. Our education system and media do not help and to some degree I think this ignorance is deliberate. And yet if you want to understand what's happening geopolitically and what it means for the world at large and for the Christians living in these places, it's good to investigate these matters.
Perhaps you've watched some media pieces on Transnistria or the NATO missile bases being placed in Romania. Why are these things happening and why are some people upset about it? For the American audience everything is viewed through a post 9/11 and pro-America lens and yet for the people outside the United States this is not the case.

16 June 2018

Caesar's Coin and the Demise of Transactional Autonomy (Part 3)

One is reminded of the 2009 film The International wherein two low-to-mid level bureaucrats attempt to investigate and challenge the state-corporate power represented by international banking.  The movie has been noted for its cinematography wherein small figures are often juxtaposed with large overbearing architecture. It's meant to amplify and accentuate the virtual impossibility of the little man taking on the machine. In the movie the crusading bureaucrats (an Interpol agent and a state level district attorney) are all but crushed by the overwhelming power of the corrupt Western system.

Caesar's Coin and the Demise of Transactional Autonomy (Part 2)

There is a vicious cycle at work in which multiple bad actors seeking to profit from and at the expense of one another and to protect themselves from competitors have created conditions which all but destroy the ability for individuals to conduct all but the simplest transactions apart from regulation and government involvement. That is unfortunately where this all leads. The various industries press the government (and effectively buy it) to pass laws leading to regulations that will protect their industry (and profits) and will bring about stability and uniformity... the conditions investors and corporate boards want. They can deal with regulations as long as they know what they are. They can subsequently tweak and re-tool their models and make money.

Caesar's Coin and the Demise of Transactional Autonomy (Part 1)

Listening to people complain about the state of society, government intrusion, burdensome costs and the hosts of problems surrounding insurance and litigation, I am struck (in almost every case) by the tendency toward reductionism. Each person tends to assess the situation from their own limited perspective and experience and render judgment on that basis without ever taking the time to look into the larger picture. They're often right in one sense but because their inquiry is limited, they almost always represent but one portion of a larger truth and thus in the end, their depiction and judgment is skewed, distorted and ultimately misleading. This is hardly surprising and yet it often proves destructive, especially when people act in what must be described as ignorance.

07 June 2018

Evangelicals, Finances and Social Norms

Listening to Christian Financial Programmes one usually hears something to the effect that you should drive your vehicles into the ground. Don't trade in a vehicle until you have to and avoid the car loan at all costs. Even among the often rather affluent Evangelical world few are able to buy cars outright. Most people end up having to finance.
Debt is certainly something we as Christians should try to avoid. With modern capitalism this is becoming increasingly difficult. Our society and its financial model are built around debt, credit and interest. These financial instruments have changed the very nature of 'demand' and it affects all of us whether we like it or not.

03 June 2018

Financialisation and a Small Rust Belt City

It was recently announced that Erie Insurance is now the largest employer in the city of Erie Pennsylvania. If you've spent any time living in, reading about or visiting the Rust Belt, such an announcement is expected but still profound. Visiting Erie from time to time I often reflect on deindustrialisation and financialisation. My most recent trip had me musing on it more than usual and then I read the story in the news about Erie Insurance.

31 May 2018

New Calvinism versus The Watchtower Society: Problematic Refutations and Muddied Waters

This article is a case of a New Calvinist critiquing the Watchtower Society. His intent is to quickly summarise the issues but due to his own lack of insight and bias, he actually just muddies the waters.

29 May 2018

A Theonomic Clash

Listening to Theonomists debate is not something I relish or usually find very profitable but the recent debate between Joel McDurmon of American Vision and Doug Wilson rekindled some old memories and was informative in certain respects.

12 May 2018

Deep State Conspiracies: Not in the Anglo-American West

A couple of weeks ago I finished listening to Owen Bennett-Jones' BBC series on the Benazir Bhutto assassination. I enjoyed it and learned a few things. In typical fashion, it ignored certain aspects of the context and larger story but that is to be expected.

15 April 2018

Four types of Christian, Four Gospels and the Adulteration of the Visible Church (Part 3/Final)

Magisterial Protestantism Comes Full Circle and the Oracular Mark of the Church
What is a Christian? Is it an easy and straightforward question? While I don't want to pretend there aren't some nuances to consider, nevertheless on one level it is a pretty simple question we should be able to answer.

Four types of Christian, Four Gospels and the Adulteration of the Visible Church (Part 2)

The Socio-Cultural or Pronoun Error and Christian Antithesis  
Despite the stumbles and setbacks, Protestants continued in their attempts to create a new version of Christendom. In the centuries following the Reformation and Age of Reason, the nation state came to the fore and reached full flower during the Enlightenment. The concepts and categories of the period became deeply ingrained and citizen-nationalities were ultimately wed to the older concept of Christendom.

Four types of Christian, Four Gospels and the Adulteration of the Visible Church (Part 1)

Nominal Christianity and the Lordship Controversy
What is a Christian? How is that term to be defined? It may seem like an easy and straightforward question but apparently it isn't because there seems to be a lot of confusion.

08 April 2018

Not a Famine of Bread, a Famine of Word

The title refers to Amos 8.11. If you look it up, make sure you read the whole chapter. It's quite poignant and it's a reminder.... times change, but for the most part people do not.
But remember while it's proper to use Israel as an analogy to the contemporary situation, don't think in terms of contemporary Western society or American culture. That's not the analog to Israel. Think in terms of the Church. That's the New Testament sense it which it is applicable. Viewing it this way as opposed to society at large gives the message (and indictment) a quite different and actually much more severe meaning and application.

Embracing Dystopia: Reflections on the Ascendancy of Amazon and the Signs of the Times (Part 2 of 2)

Every state contains what might be described as the Bestial Impulse, the temptation of ultimacy. We can also refer to this as the Babel Impulse, the temptation to conflate the state project with divine presence or deity itself. Essentially what this means is that the state sees itself in the role of a god and a manifestation of heavenly presence or prerogative.

Embracing Dystopia: Reflections on the Ascendancy of Amazon and the Signs of the Times (Part 1 of 2)

I was reading a story from a few months ago about Amazon handing over large amounts of data to law enforcement and it prompted me to wrestle with the question of Amazon, Bezos and what it all represents. Immediately I thought of my past wranglings with Wal-Mart.

01 April 2018

Cracks in the Atlantic Wall

What were once subtle signals of fissures in the Atlantic alliance are becoming more pronounced. I refer here to Atlanticism, the belief that Europe and America have a mutual need, values and destiny. This is a deeper and more pervasive concept that transcends military alliances like NATO. This relationship involves not just military but cultural and economic alliances.

25 March 2018

Hanoi and Rome

The linked article mentions the Vatican and Hanoi still don't have formal relations and that this is a legacy of communism. The statement is interesting because someone might read it and think something along these lines: The communists were atheistic and thus they would have no interest in establishing diplomatic ties with a theocratic state like the Vatican.

18 March 2018

The Leaven of Evangelical Sacralism: A Warning Regarding Judaized Politics and the Hypocrisy it Breeds (Part 2 of 2)

Recently I was visiting a Reformed Baptist Church and the pastor, a graduate of Liberty University continually invoked the name of Jerry Falwell Sr. in the pulpit. He obviously admires the man and it was clear listening to him pray and preach that he has fallen into the same idolatrous trap as Dobson, Jeffress, the Grahams, Mohler, Perkins and a host of other conservative and Evangelical leaders have fallen into. They think America is an 'exceptional' nation by which they (as Christians) mean it has been granted a holy or semi-holy status apart from other nations.

The Leaven of Evangelical Sacralism: A Warning Regarding Judaized Politics and the Hypocrisy it Breeds (Part 1 of 2)

Hypocrisy is hardly unusual, especially in the realm of politics. And sadly we must admit it is also fairly common within the larger Church.
And yet there are times when it reaches levels that can only be described as over the top, even obscene. Maybe people have short memories, maybe some can't see it. In other cases one is left wondering if it isn't hypocrisy as much as just plain deceit.

12 March 2018

Christian Historiography, Recurring Patterns and Interpreting Current Events

In a recent article referencing history as an interpreter of current events, I said: The lessons and realities of history are on his side and there's a real comfort in that, especially in the face of storm and assault. Those who study history with open eyes will know great sorrow and frustration. They will often stand alone but having walked the paths of the past... they need not fear. They've seen it all before.
A further elaboration was requested and is in order.

02 March 2018

Neo-McCarthyism and Cold War II (Part 2)

The US is bent on overthrowing the Assad regime in Syria. Obama supported this action from its very beginning. From the standpoint of US imperialism the removal of Assad dovetails beautifully with the designs of Israel and would represent a significant victory for US policy in defiance of Russia and to the detriment of Iran.

Neo-McCarthyism and Cold War II

This recent Greenwald article calls attention to the inherent danger found in the Neo-McCarthyite campaign against Russia. Patrick Buchanan and others have also picked up on this and are sounding the alarm.

18 February 2018

A Clash of Protestant Intellectual Traditions and Metanarratives (Part 2 of 2)

Unlike the Theonomists who have chosen to ignore a significant portion of Post-Reformation history, most Protestants and Europeans in general emerged from the 17th century with a profound realisation that Confessionalism was not going to work as a basis for Ecclesiastical Establishment. England (in part) fought a war over this and in the end decided for Establishment and Social Pluralism. The Nonconformists were not granted full status and rights until the 19th century and after but they were at least tolerated. Just because that term has been abused does not mean it should be dispensed with. It is a noble and even Biblical concept (1 Cor 5.9-12).

A Clash of Protestant Intellectual Traditions and Metanarratives (Part 1 of 2)

The retired PCA cleric who authored this piece has once again motivated me to write a response. Clearly he misunderstands the nature of Two Kingdom Theology. I say this also pointing out that he never clarifies which variety or strain of Two Kingdom Theology he wishes to oppose.

10 February 2018

Homeschool Hit Pieces

In the wake of the California scandal of a 'homeschool' family that was starving and torturing its children there has been a wave of 'hit' pieces circulating throughout the media landscape. This is but one of them.
Personally in the case of these rather sick people from California I think a great deal of blame belongs with the extended family. They knew something was odd and yet did not pursue it. When people fail to act within their own spheres they will inevitably abdicate their authority to the state. And now, everyone is viewed with suspicion.

14 January 2018

Modern Evangelicalism and the Chicago Compromise

In the wake of RC Sproul's death there have been a host of tributes written on his behalf. Recently I encountered an article praising Sproul and his role in framing the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy which first appeared in 1978. This statement is met with almost universal praise from within Evangelical and Confessional circles and there is much to praise indeed. While the over two hundred signers were certainly upholding the Bible in an age of unbelief, few realise or understand that modern inerrancy represents a shift in thinking and indeed a break from older Protestant understandings of Scripture.
It is noteworthy and admirable to find men of Christian faith upholding the Word of God. This is especially true in an era of materialism and scientism. They are to be commended for this adherence to supernaturalism and the notion of Divine Inspiration.